Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Question of the Day for 08 Oct 2004

    I saw the exact same error.  I do not think statement #2 will work at all.

  • RE: Call A .NET Assembly

    Here is some stripped down code that I use at work to do such things.  I hope this helps.


    RETCODE __declspec(dllexport) xp_DoStuff(SRV_PROC *srvproc)


    //My Variables

    //Return Variables


    I agree.  I think we had a few corrupt rows in our distribution database.  I finally got it to work at 4:00 AM.  Thanks

  • RE: Large Database Replication Initialization

    Thank you all for your responses.  I have decided to zip the snapshot and ftp it to the other server and deliver the databases manually.


    Joshua Bylotas

    Senior Database Administrator

    Regency Thermographers

  • RE: Large Database Replication Initialization

    about 1.2 GB

  • RE: Large Database Replication Initialization

    We are going across the WAN, with a not so optimized network connection.  It used to take 5 hours to reinitialize the subscription.  The Distributor is a local source and...

  • RE: how to grant permission for xp_cmdshell

    I think that the concept to shell out to the NT operating system already offers a huge security hole.  I did find some information on a microsoft site about setting...

  • RE: how to grant permission for xp_cmdshell

    We set up a new User for our Bulk Copy Application, gave the user Read/Write Permissions on the Database and a Server Role of Server Administrator, and it worked.  You...

  • RE: how to grant permission for xp_cmdshell

    I had the same problem before.  You have to give the username the server role of Server Administrator.  The SQL Server requires this permission to allow the xp_CMDShell to execute

  • RE: SqlMail

    I had a similar problem this morning.  Our Exchange Server got corrupt the other day and we had not been able to send email via xp_SendMail from the scheduled jobs...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)