Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 103 total)

  • RE: Importing Excell data into SQL Server

    I have same problem and i tried by setting my table field as varchar and excel sheet field as text but still have null values. So i am running differents files...

  • RE: Data transfer with ODBC Link

    Thanks for reply

    Yes i have done that. I have changed smalldatetime field to char but out put i got is '0007-05-27' so thinking...

  • RE: Is it possible to do.....Query help

    Oops Done...

    Thanks a lot Jan it's done working fine

    It happened because of zero when i replaced that from my num table it's working fine.

    Thanks a lot


    Kind Regards


  • RE: Is it possible to do.....Query help

    Sorry Jan to be pain...

    Everything is ok but showing more lines

    eg quantityinvoiced =2 it showing me three lines ...


  • RE: Is it possible to do.....Query help

    Sorry Still not working may be doing something wrong

    It showing fully duplicate lines but i need quantity invoiced always one ..

    if quantity invoiced=6

    it showing every time 6 but i...

  • RE: Is it possible to do.....Query help

    This is the query

    SELECT     NBillingF.OrderNumber, NBillingF.Customerorderreference,, NewCARORDER.Orderaddressline5,              AS Expr1, NewCARORDER.Orderaddressname, Product.[Manufacturer Part Number],  Product.[Product Description], NBillingF.QuantityInvoiced, NewCARORDER.SystemOrderDate, NBillingF.DateInvoiced, NBillingF.Unitprice,              NBillingF.InvoicedValueBase

    FROM         NBillingF INNER JOIN

                          AccountOwner ON NBillingF.Customer = AccountOwner.account...

  • RE: Is it possible to do.....Query help

    This is the query

    SELECT     NBillingF.OrderNumber, NBillingF.Customerorderreference,, NewCARORDER.Orderaddressline5,              AS Expr1, NewCARORDER.Orderaddressname, Product.[Manufacturer Part Number],  Product.[Product Description], NBillingF.QuantityInvoiced, NewCARORDER.SystemOrderDate, NBillingF.DateInvoiced, NBillingF.Unitprice,              NBillingF.InvoicedValueBase

    FROM         NBillingF INNER JOIN

                          AccountOwner ON NBillingF.Customer = AccountOwner.account...

  • RE: OpenQuery help

    Thanks Ian


    Realy Helpful..........

  • RE: Is it possible to do.....Query help

    Hi All

    Thanks for your help.

    Apologies for my ignorance actually first time i am working on sql server so need more help. I have around 10,000 lines for one day and...

  • RE: OpenQuery help

    Thanks Ian Yates It's working

    I am working on OpenQuery First time so could you please let me know how to pass parameter to OpenQuery?



  • RE: How do i create dropdown list in my report PLS HELP!!!!

    You can use like that:-


    SELECT DISTINCT dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName, dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorShortName, dbo.tblRAIL.RailDescr, dbo.tblSPIKE.SpikeDescr, dbo.tblRAIL.ScreenValue,            dbo.tlkpSID.SId, dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.VendorID

    FROM dbo.tlkpSID INNER JOIN dbo.tblSPIKE ON dbo.tlkpSID.SidID = dbo.tblSPIKE.SidId INNER JOIN dbo.tblRAIL INNER JOIN            dbo.tblVENDOR...

  • RE: Need to display data fields in report header

    Thanks a Lot Guys


    It's working i am using Jason's method



  • RE: MMC Error


    I updated my service pack 1 to 4 but still i have problem.

    MMc stucked after some time and when i click close buttom it's giving me above error having...

  • RE: FreezePane function? or Contrl Number of Rows to output

    Don't know how to freeze pane but yoou can count and show only 10 or 20 rows in that case report will show you one page with 10 or whatever...

  • RE: stored procedures with expression based connection string

    Report work with store procedure justcheck your datasource which command type you have text or store procedure......... if you have store procedure type then can post more information about your...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 103 total)