Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: stored procedure to total dates

    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime

    select @startdate = '1/2/1996'

    select @enddate = '1/4/1998'

    select datename(m,OrderDate) + ' ' + Convert(char(4),year(OrderDate)) mon, count(*) cnt

    from Northwind.dbo.Orders

    where OrderDate between...

  • RE: How to change EnterpriseMgrs default font

    BWalker and one of my workmates found the answer. You right-click the "Stored Procedure Code Window" and choose "font" from the list. This brings up the standard "Windows font selection"...

  • RE: Torn Pages

    In the process of installing a new high-performance server (fiber optic disk, lot's of ram, new Windows Server 2003 OS, SQL Server 2003), we've been getting "torn page" messages regularly....

  • RE: SELECT from all tables in the database

    Seems like you should just use a "union" query ...

    Select * From table1


    Select * From table2



    Select * From table20

  • RE: GROUP BY & SUM question

    The "outer join" solution shouldn't have been necessary.

    All sales-detail product id's should have been in the products master table making the outer join unnecessary.

    Seems to me there are...

  • RE: SQL Svr Stored Procs & Multi-Threading??

    Here is the source code so far. Not all the database sources are programmed yet.

    You'll notice the search criteria in the "where" sections are slightly different

    (as each source has different...

  • RE: SQL Svr Stored Procs & Multi-Threading??

    Just to make clear, the stored procedure I'm alluding to has six sections. Each uses the search criteria to add rows to a temporary table. When all six sources have...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)