GROUP BY & SUM question

  • Hi everybody,

    I need to select sales info from 2 tables and group it by year.



    >>sale_id, qty_ordered, qty_shipped, date_shipped, sale_prod_id


    >>prod_id, price

    I need to show for EACH Year:

    total qty of products ordered,

    total qty of products shipped,

    total value of products ordered (price* qty_ordered)

    Here is my thing but it gives me a wrong results - much higher qty & total:

    SELECT datepart(yy,date_shipped) as sales_year, sum(qty_ordered) as total_orders, sum(qty_shipped) as total_shipped, sum(price*qty_ordered) as total_sales

    FROM salesdetails sd, products p

    WHERE p.prod_id_id=sd.sale_prod_id

    GROUP BY datepart(yy,date_shipped)

    What I'm doing wrong?

    the result should be like this:

    year ordered shipped total

    1999 459 443 $12,333.12

    2000 654 557 $23,412.92

    Thank you

  • Try this (quick solution untested)

    SELECT a.sales_year,

    sum(a.qty_ordered) as total_orders,

    sum(a.qty_shipped) as total_shipped,

    sum(a.price) as total_sales

    FROM (

    SELECT datepart(yy,sd.date_shipped) as sales_year,



    (p.price*sd.qty_ordered) as price

    FROM salesdetails sd INNER JOIN products p ON p.prod_id=sd.sale_prod_id

    ) a

    GROUP BY a.sales_year

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I'm probably missing something, but your initial query seems to be correct to me.

    Are you sure that this is not due to the data in your tables. Maybe there is a duplicate record in products?

  • Good one NPeeters, missed that one in my haste. I have had problems before with joins and duplicates/aggregation and thought this was similar. Thinking about it my solution would give the same problem if your right about the data. My apologies.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I agree your query looks right.

    But try changing

    FROM salesdetails sd, products p

    WHERE p.prod_id_id=sd.sale_prod_id


    FROM salesdetails sd

    INNER JOIN products p

    ON p.prod_id_id=sd.sale_prod_id

    to see what happens.

    Also what do you end up with?

  • Thank you very much for helping me.

    Here is what I eneded up with and it works as it should:

    SELECT Year(date_shipped) as sales_year, sum(qty_ordered) as total_orders, sum(qty_shipped) as total_shipped, sum(price*qty_ordered) as total_sales

    FROM products p, salesdetails sd

    WHERE p.product_id=* sd.product_id

    GROUP BY Year(date_shipped)

    The trick was in a type of join >> "=*"

  • Oh, by the way...

    I'm not sure if this operator (=*) will work within any DB or I have to use Right or Left Join terms?

    I was testing it on Sybase but are going to use it on SQL server & Access

  • You should then covert what I said to LEFT JOIN I do believe and should be the same.

  • The "outer join" solution shouldn't have been necessary.

    All sales-detail product id's should have been in the products master table making the outer join unnecessary.

    Seems to me there are referential integrity problems and orphaned sales-detail rows somewhere.

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