stored procedure to total dates

  • In english?

  • Method #2:

    Select DateName(YY, CrDate) as Year, DateName(M, CrDate) as Month, count(*) as Total

    from dbo.SysObjects

    where CrDate between @startdate and @enddate

    group by DateName(YY, CrDate), DateName(M, CrDate), month(CrDate) --extra level

    order by DateName(YY, CrDate), month(CrDate)



    * Noel

  • Nicer than my version... Looks like I still have to agree with you .

  • Method #1

    Select Left(Dte,4) Year, Right(Dte,2) Mon, Total


       (Select convert(char(7), CrDate,20) Dte, count(*) as Total

        from dbo.SysObjects

        where CrDate between @startdate and @enddate

        group by convert(char(7), CrDate,20)

       ) d

    order by Dte


    * Noel

  • Dam! you keep typing faster than me


    * Noel

  • I still have to agree .

  • I thaught that the month name was required in the select... but it obviously can be generated in the application. Thanx for the solutions.

  • That is true is just me being lazy not to type a case statement including the Right. The point is that because you are grouping by one column expression instead of two the operation finishes very fast and you leave the complexity to the outer query to do the order by and Presentation stuff.

    And Yes I'll have to learn to type faster I promise I will!


    * Noel

  • "operation finishes very fast and you leave the complexity to the outer query to do the order by and Presentation stuff."

    As it should be...

    And I'll try to type slower but I can't make any promess .

  • select datepart(mm,date) as Mon,count(datepart(mm,date)) as Nbr

    into ##Dates

    from TableName

    where datepart(yy,date) = 2005

    group by date

    having count(datepart(mm,date)) > 0

    select [Month] = case

      when mon = 1 then 'January'

      when mon = 2 then 'Feburary'

      when mon = 3 then 'March'

      when mon = 4 then 'April'

      when mon = 5 then 'May'

      when mon = 6 then 'June'

      when mon = 7 then 'July'


     [Number] = sum(nbr)

    From ##Dates

    group by mon


  • No chance... not gonna risk locking up the temp systables for such a simple query... and do it a 2 steps too when only one is needed.

  • He was  Probably trying to demonstrate how to convert month number to characters


    * Noel

  • Maybe... but I'd still never use code like that in production.

  • Year included, sorted by month.


    Year(entrydate) Y

    , Month(entrydate) M

    , datename(m,entrydate) MName

    , count(*) C

    from tblparticipants

    where entrydate between @start and @end

    group by


    , Month(entrydate)

    , datename(m,entrydate)

    order by


    , Month(entrydate)

  • declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime

    select @startdate = '1/2/1996'

    select @enddate = '1/4/1998'

    select datename(m,OrderDate) + ' ' + Convert(char(4),year(OrderDate)) mon, count(*) cnt

    from Northwind.dbo.Orders

    where OrderDate between @startdate and @enddate

    group by year(OrderDate), month(OrderDate), datename(m,OrderDate) +  ' ' + Convert(char(4),year(OrderDate))

    Order By year(OrderDate), month(OrderDate)

    mon                                 cnt        

    ----------------------------------- -----------

    July 1996                           22

    August 1996                         25

    September 1996                      23

    October 1996                        26

    November 1996                       25

    December 1996                       31

    January 1997                        33

    February 1997                       29

    March 1997                          30

    April 1997                          31

    May 1997                            32

    June 1997                           30

    July 1997                           33

    August 1997                         33

    September 1997                      37

    October 1997                        38

    November 1997                       34

    December 1997                       48

    January 1998                        5

    (19 row(s) affected)

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