Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: DTS Install

    If you want to have DTS from one server to another....

    1. Open the DTS Package which you want to save it different server

    2. In the "Package" will find and...

  • RE: DTS date stamp

    Try these steps..

    1. Map the file location as a drive (like F:\folder) to the server where the sql  server is running. Specifying direct server path does not work.

    2.  Run 'dcomcnfg' exe and...

  • RE: Can DTS do this??


    Create a ActiveX Script Task with the following code to open and parse a file from a folder.

    Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

       If filesys.FileExists(strSource & "\" & strJobFileName) Then

        Set objfile = filesys.GetFile(strSource &...

  • RE: SQL Job not executing but DTS Package executes

    Try the following and see if it works...

    1. Rather than using server name in the path, try creating a drive mapping to the file location. Server path does NOT work sometimes!!.

    2. Run 'dcomcnfg' and...

  • RE: DTS execute and send e-mail problem

    There are lots of other ways also to send email...

    Since you have tried CDO Messaging.....try this...

    try creating this store procedure and see....

    CREATE PROCEDURE send_cdomail

    @From           varchar(100),

    @To           varchar(100),

    @cc          varchar(50),

    @Subject     ...

  • RE: Exec query with ActiveX against existing DTS connection


       strSQLText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable"

       set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

       rs.Open strSQLText, oConn, adOpenDynamic

       If (rs.BOF = True and rs.EOF = True) Then

        set rs = Nothing

       ' MsgBox "No data found"


        Do While Not rs.EOF






  • RE: FTP in DTS

          'Create FTP Job File

           Set fsFTP = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

           Set fFtpFile = fsFTP.CreateTextFile("FTPJob.txt", True) 

           fFtpFile.Writeline "user UserName Password

           fFTPFile.Writeline "cd " & TargetFolder

           fFTPFile.Writeline "lcd " & SourceFolder

           fFTPFile.Writeline "ascii"

           fFTPFile.Writeline "prompt off"

           fFtpFile.Writeline "put " & strFileName...

  • RE: Changing SA password breaks DTS packages


    In the Run prompt, open the DCOMCNFG and check the login credentials for SQL Server Agent. There will be a login id assocaited with that SQL Server Agent service. If you are using...

  • RE: xp_sendmail to send email with HIGH Importance in Outlook

    If you use CDONTS, You can set the importance like this

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Importance', 2

    Hopr this helps!!!


  • RE: bcp fails

    Use -c flag and see. It also takes \t as tabs and \n as row terminators. 

    master..xp_cmdshell 'BCP Mydb.dbo.tb_user in D:\test.dat -b10000 -c -fD:\test.fmt -SDevbox -Utest_user -Ptest_user'

    Hope this helps!!!


  • RE: DTS newbie help...

    Hi end-user,

    With all due respect, i feel it would be better and beneficial for others also, if you continue posting your questions in seperate threads rather than posting in the same.




  • RE: How to see the real command in DTSrun/~Z

    If you go to DTSRUNUI utility,

    There is a option to see the DTSRUN command for the package in both text format and encrypted format.

    Hope this help!!



  • RE: DTS newbie help...

    if i understand you are trying to get the identity field value from one table and trying to insert it to the other matching tables....right?

    if so, you can get...

  • RE: DTS package with results date only

    slight correction in Nicoloas Kain's answer...

    it should be

    where cast(convert(varchar(10), result_date, 101) as datetime) = cast(convert(varchar(10), dateadd(d, -1, result_date), 101) as datetime)

    June 15, 2004 at 2:50 pm


  • RE: Output value from sproc

    try declaring the varibale explicitly as "output" variable (see below) and check if it is working for you?

    alter procedure prRecCount @vTbl varchar(25) as


     @sql varchar(2000) output,

     @vCnt int

    set @sql...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)