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Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    No, Boston Legal was not news but if you ever watched it, you know that most of their 'cases' and the legal arguments of Alan Shore (James Spader) were prodemocratic...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    >>Both sides of the political spectrum simply make stuff up and report it as news<<

    Exactly. People complain about FOX but ever notice how ABC is pro-democrat?

    Back when our dear...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    I don't know how the new healthcare bill works and Ive heard that it stinks but I have been on Medicare since I was on dialysis in 2002. I...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    Ah... The arrogance if the youth... Craig, I want you to remember the words you spoke this day when something happens to you and you find yourself no longer as...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    I'm usually a Republic but neither party is interested in getting us working again and is more interested in the money going into their own pockets.

    When times get rough like...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    >> you really need to move or change jobs... or pick up the new skills necessary to get back on top of the game. That's what most low-IIs make a...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    In the 90's when I worked for the government, it was the incometant ones who got the raises and promotions. I was in a 3-member team and I was...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?


    Are you will willing to work 12-15 hours a day for $600 a month? The chances are that your mortgage or rent alone costs more than $600 a month....

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    SSC Rookie,

    Trying to remain respectful here but I wonder if you have any idea of what reality is...?

    Corporations will go the cheaper route whether or not their profits are down....

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    Agreed. But, it will take more than just a few of us writing to our legislators. We need to do it as a combined effort, so they take...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    I'd rather not do data work. I'm a technical manager who likes to keep my hands in development but no one is hiring managers and development jobs are either...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    Lately, I've gone to and had phone interviews and the interviewer only had a few years of experience and virtually no management experience and the interviews are more like Microsoft...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)