Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Escalation using trigger

    Adding more info to my question,

    I like the email alert to be sent whenever an order crosses a threshold value. For example, the order is pending for 40 minutes, nothing will...

  • RE: Escalation using trigger

    How can I get more help on "job", this is something new for me.

  • RE: Database Mail: sending to multiple recipients from tables

    DECLARE @email VARCHAR(4000)

    SET @email = ''

    SELECT @email = RTRIM(@email) + RTRIM(email) + ';'

    FROM Users

    WHERE email <> '' AND DepCode = 'A'

    execute sp_send_dbmail --

  • RE: After Insert Trigger

    I am using after insert trigger, so definitely I am looking into Inserted table, not deleted table.  So far, I am getting the right data. I will see if any...

  • RE: After Insert Trigger

    I have found out a way

    select @customername = customername from instered

    then use @customername to fomulate the mail body. It works fine.

  • RE: After Insert Trigger

    How? Any select statement? I read in books online, "SELECT * from deleted" but when I include this line in my trigger, using @query parameter of database mail, it doesn't work 

  • RE: Setting up users and roles

    Even though we have corporate level policies for windows authentication and variety of GPO are in place, SQL Server authentication will suit us.

    We can implement some procedures to lock the...

  • RE: Setting up users and roles

    I understand completely.

    I was wondering, the SQL server has also the facility to create SQL Logins and the SQL server can authenticate the users and grant them permissions. Can...

  • RE: Setting up users and roles

    Suggestion is very nice. no doubt about that. Simply you have given the complete solution.

    But, the problem in windows authentication is that in our network one computer is logged...

  • RE: Customize SQL Error Messages For ODBC client

    I am using the following method to connect to SQL server & create table definition:

    Dim db as dao.database, rs as dao.recordset, tbl as dao.tabledef

    strcon="ODBC;Driver={SQL SERVER};SERVER=msrvr;Database;mydb;UID=me;pwd=;TrustedConnection=Yes"

    and I am using mostly bound...

  • RE: Sending Message to Client application

    Anybody !!!!

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)