Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)

  • RE: Create DB Script


  • RE: SQL Query

    Works like a charm nice one cheers

  • RE: SQL Query

    Ah my apologies the test data was not what i was supposed to post as they did not match the OptionsMapping table times, the updated test data for the DailyMedicalPlanItem...

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Row

    it will all be completely wrong ha ha, no its ok this is not the fully finished code the season/year is taken into account later

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Row

    I managed to figure it out anyway cheers

    Select playerId,

    IsNull(p.firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.MiddleName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.LastName,'') as 'Player',

    SUM(CASE WHEN Months = 'July' THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS...

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Row

    thanks for you replay Jeff i checked out that best practices article and have generated the following code to create the necessary table and insert the data thanks for the...

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Row

    thanks for your reply upendramkumar i have uploaded a pic of the results i am hopig to get you can view it here


  • RE: Remove Duplicate Row

    if i remove the date from the group by leaving this sql

    Select p.Id as 'playerId',

    IsNull(p.firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.MiddleName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.LastName,'') as 'Player',

    Cast(Case when DATENAME(MONTH, tl.Date) =...

  • RE: SQL Query Count

    Thanks a million man, that had been driving me crazy for while now



  • RE: Query Help

    thanks alot for your help i managed to get it working


  • RE: Query Help

    sorry no those are the results i have displaying at the moment, i have a count for each club but now i need to group the clubs by league and...

  • RE: Pivot style query

    thanks for your reply but do u know if there is some way i can group the columns because the results from my query are like this

    Mon ...

  • RE: List month names


    Thanks for your replies guys i managed to put some pieces of code together and get what i needed

    SELECT Distinct Substring(DATENAME(MONTH, SeqDate), 0, 4) as 'Month',

    Month(SeqDate) as 'MonthID',

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(SeqDate)-1),SeqDate), 103)...

  • RE: List month names


    Thanks for your reply, i think i am 90% there but when i try to introduce my dates to the query i get the following error

    'StartDate' is not a...

  • RE: Row Id ????

    ok i have got this working but it is very slow so i will check out the other options u suggested and see if i can find something faster


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)