SQL Query

  • Hi,

    I am trying to get this SQL statement to display ALL times that are in the OptionsMapping table and not just the times that have data in the DailyMedicalPlanItem table, just wondering if anyone could take a look any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance

    -- My current sql query

    SELECT om.Name as Time,


    SELECT IsNull(iitem.RehabTypeID, iitem.StaffID)

    FROM DailyMedicalPlanItem iitem

    Where iitem.Date = pitem.Date

    AND iitem.PlayerID = 323

    ) as [Player1],


    SELECT IsNull(iitem.RehabTypeID, iitem.StaffID)

    FROM DailyMedicalPlanItem iitem

    Where iitem.Date = pitem.Date

    AND iitem.PlayerID = 19

    ) as [Player2]

    FROM OptionsMapping om

    LEFT JOIN DailyMedicalPlanItem pitem on Convert(varchar, pitem.Date, 8) like om.Name + '%'

    WHERE Convert(varchar, Date, 101) = '11/13/2009'

    GROUP BY om.name, date

    ORDER BY date

    -- create tables

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DailyMedicalPlanItem]


    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Date] [datetime] NULL,

    [PlayerID] [int] NULL,

    [RehabTypeID] [int] NULL,

    [StaffID] [int] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OptionsMapping]


    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Name] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL


    -- populate tables

    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO OptionsMapping (ID, Name)

    SELECT '983','09:00' UNION ALL

    SELECT '984','09:30' UNION ALL

    SELECT '985','10:00' UNION ALL

    SELECT '986','10:30' UNION ALL

    SELECT '987','11:00' UNION ALL

    SELECT '988','11:30' UNION ALL

    SELECT '989','12:00' UNION ALL

    SELECT '990','12:30' UNION ALL

    SELECT '996','13:00' UNION ALL

    SELECT '997','13:30' UNION ALL

    SELECT '998','14:00'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT DailyMedicalPlanItem ON

    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO DailyMedicalPlanItem (ID, Date, PlayerID, RehabTypeID, StaffID)

    SELECT '5','Nov 11 2009 12:30','19',null,'25263' UNION ALL

    SELECT '6','Nov 11 2009 12:00','323', null,'25263' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7','Nov 13 2009 12:00','323', null,'25706' UNION ALL

    SELECT '8','Nov 13 2009 12:30','323', null ,'11625'UNION ALL

    SELECT '9','Nov 13 2009 11:30','323','994', null UNION ALL

    SELECT '10','Nov 13 2009 13:00','323','995','24941' UNION ALL

    SELECT '11','Nov 13 2009 10:30','323',null,'24941' UNION ALL

    SELECT '12','Nov 13 2009 10:00','19','993', null UNION ALL

    SELECT '13','Nov 13 2009 10:30','19','993', null UNION ALL

    SELECT '14','Nov 13 2009 11:00','19','993', null UNION ALL

    SELECT '16','Nov 13 2009 11:30','19','994','25263'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT DailyMedicalPlanItem OFF

    select * From OptionsMapping

    select * From DailyMedicalPlanItem

  • Seems to be crazy but I ran the same query without the

    WHERE Convert(varchar, Date, 101) = '11/13/2009'

    and got the result what you wanted.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • Ah my apologies the test data was not what i was supposed to post as they did not match the OptionsMapping table times, the updated test data for the DailyMedicalPlanItem should be what is needed, thanks for your reply....

  • Here is my shot at what you need.



    ISNULL(pitem1.RehabTypeID, pitem1.StaffID) as Player1,

    ISNULL(pitem2.RehabTypeID, pitem2.StaffID) as Player2


    dbo.OptionsMapping om

    left outer join dbo.DailyMedicalPlanItem pitem1

    on (om.Name = CONVERT(varchar(5), pitem1.[Date], 108)

    and pitem1.PlayerID = 323

    and pitem1.[Date] >= '2009-11-13'

    and pitem1.[Date] < '2009-11-14')

    left outer join dbo.DailyMedicalPlanItem pitem2

    on (om.Name = CONVERT(varchar(5), pitem2.[Date], 108)

    and pitem2.PlayerID = 19

    and pitem2.[Date] >= '2009-11-13'

    and pitem2.[Date] < '2009-11-14')

  • Works like a charm nice one cheers

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