Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Installing SQL Server 2008

    Opps so true 🙁 got there in the end thanks much appreciated 🙂

  • RE: Installing SQL Server 2008

    Hi Grant,

    Thanks for the information i have just gone through the installation, and i names my Instance SQLSERVER so it would be]

    Server Type: Database Engine

    Server name: SQLSERVER

    Authentication: Windows Authentication

    And stll...

  • RE: Date Question


    Thanks for the information!!

  • RE: Question about Inner Joins


    Hope you both had a good weekend 🙂

    Thanks for the replies, i kinda understand what your saying, i probably sound really stupid asking these basics questions but i would rather...

  • RE: Question about Inner Joins

    hi all unfortuantely im back 🙁

    im trying to run this and return gender and department name but its not working? its returning a value of "Null"

    Can someone please take a...

  • RE: Issue with SQL Script.

    No its not,

    Within VB i have referenced the stored procedure,

    then when this is referenced it will excute and return the values in a DataSet and then generate a Excel...

  • RE: Question about Inner Joins

    Thanks very much for the example,

    Im going to be picking this up again tomorrow! if i have any problems or anything like that ill come back!

    Hopefully i wont have...

  • RE: Question about Inner Joins

    Hi Andreas,

    Thanks for the information,

    Well something small if possible so i can get my head around it, and then ill build upon it as time progresses.

    So say or example...

  • RE: Creating a Flag within a Stored procedure

    apologies should of added more information

    below is the information within the txt.files and i have 47 files roughly with 500+ words in each

    24/06/2010 19:18:23 /IServerManager.GetPublicKey (timings: authenticate=0 authorise=0 execute=0 logError=0...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem Help!

    Quick update, This is far as what i have got to writing a Cursor to update one table from the information selected from a previous table. Im not going to...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem Help!

    Hi Sorry for the late reply, thanks for the information much apreciated,

    Im just curious how would you write a CURSOR script though? Would some one be able to write...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem Help!


    Thanks for the explanation ha ha! Very good,

    Right back to SQL.

    So in a way I can do one at a time but obviously it will take longer,

    So regarding...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem Help!

    Hi Lowell,

    Regarding what i have just wrote, im trying to piece together a Cursor that allows me to retrieve information from one Table and update another table below you will...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem Help!

    Hi Lowell,

    Thats brilliant thank you 🙂 quick question are CURSOR easy to use? as i have looked at a few examples i.e one for backing up a Database and...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem Help!

    Hi Lowell,

    Ok ill try and explain this as easy as possible, i havent been informed on what information im taking from what table yet, but what i was going to...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)