Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Normalization

    The purpose of a relational database is to have foreign keys where foreign keys exist. (There are exceptions,of some transactional tables you may not do that-- although you'd...

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Bulk Inserting Data

    Search BOL for BCP.

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: overwrite output file in scheduled task

    Why don't you just delete the file first ?

    xp_cmdshell 'del c:\filelocation'

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Database design issue, what to do?

    I really wouldn't address this in the model. Instead... if I were doing this then I generate these business rules with dml triggers.

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Setting Processor Affinity on multi-instance servers

    One thing you can look for with sp_who is suspended processes. If you see a lot of suspended processes.. this could be solution. This may or may...

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Create EXCEL file in SQL 2005

    You're pretty much SOL with 64 bit sql server unless you can find a jet driver for 64 bit.

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Set default value for all the columns

    Dynamic sql and.. alter table ... encaspulated in a ddl trigger.... not that I recommend doing that. If " " is really null.. why not just allow it to...

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: linked server

    My suggestion for this is to run a job periodically using openrowset, and a "temporary" linked server. Search BOL for openrowset.


    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Sysdatabases

    If I understand you...

    use master

    declare @db table


    [db_name] varchar(100)


    insert @db

    select [name] from [master]..sysdatabases

    where [name] not in ('master','tempdb','model','ReportServer','ReportServerTempDB')

    declare @q varchar(max)

    set @q= 'use ; select o.[name] from sysobjects o join syscomments c...

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Non Clustered Index Creation

    For posterity sake... this was solved by reducing parallelism for sql server on the server. Worker threads in the index generation process were suspending and locking each other.

    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Script to create a file on hard drive from server table

    There are maybe 5 ways to do this. Search for BCP in BOL.


    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • RE: Query Help

    I'd do it this way... 96 left 😉

    Probably some clever way to do this with CTE as well..

    create table pr_ts


    ID INT identity(1,1) primary key,

    Comments VARCHAR(50),

    ProjID INT,


    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)