Script to create a file on hard drive from server table

  • I have a stored procedure from which I have created a sql table from which I need to create a data file that I can then send off to be processed. This data file needs to be created within the stored procedure.

  • Hi,

    Can you be more specific with what do you mean by data file, you want to create a text / excel file from within stored procedure, If I am correct you can do that, there are two ways, you can use a linked server/ use xp_cmdshell to create file, write data and then close it.



  • Yes, I guess. I have seen this command several times, but do not totally know how it works. I have created a table on the database and I need to get that information (data) written out to a file on my hard drive for transmitting on to a third party. I know that I have done this in a prior life (job) but I just can not get my hands on it.

  • There are maybe 5 ways to do this. Search for BCP in BOL.


    "Who then will explain the explanation? Who then will explain the explanation?" Lord Byron

  • --This will ceate a folder .. this might just help you by doing some changes....--

    DECLARE@wk_no VARCHAR(2)


    DECLARE @md VARCHAR(100)

    SET @wk_no = DATEPART(wk, GETDATE())

    SET @Path = 'D:\FolderName\'


    SET @md = ' mkdir ' + @Path + 'WK' + @wk_no

    ..... ----Replace ' mkdir ' with create file name script or syntax..----

    EXEC xp_cmdshell @md, no_output

    PRINT @md

  • mbatchelor (2/26/2009)

    I have a stored procedure from which I have created a sql table from which I need to create a data file that I can then send off to be processed. This data file needs to be created within the stored procedure.


    navigate to the above URL, you will get the answer for your query.

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