Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Tame Those Strings - Part 9

    It's also important to note that quite a bit of damage can be caused if this check is not done.

    Imagine the following situation where we have dynamic sql:

    'select count(*) from...

  • RE: Tame Those Strings - Part 9

    Instead of using replace, you could use the function QUOTENAME() which does the same thing and is built into SQL Server.

    select QUOTENAME('Frank''s Garage')


    [Frank's Garage]

  • RE: creating tables using SP


    I have several production lines, and I want to use only 1 script. This generates temp tables, which are unique for each...

  • RE: GUID as PK with Merge Replication (OK?)


    Merge replication requires that the tables must have a ROW GUID, see "How Merge Replication Works" in SQL Books Online for more...

  • RE: Can we auto run SnapShot and Distribution Agents?


    I use the method of finding the job and then running it. Works pretty good. Drawback to using the exe's is that...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)