Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Multiple row data need to be convert as Coloumn

    HI Y.B,

    Please find the desired output which we looking for.

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: Multiple row data need to be convert as Coloumn

    HI All,

    Please find the sample table structure.

    create table ITGDaillyMetrics (

    ITG varchar (max),

    Backenderror int,

    dates datetime )

    insert into ITGDaillyMetrics values (ITG01 - XFINITY Username and Password Reset,10,26 Sep 2016)

    insert into ITGDaillyMetrics values...

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: Can we create clustered index on non primary key column

    Hi suresh thanks for ur reply..

    can u please clarify my doubt then..

    So.......If u create an unique Clustered index On a table then is it allow...Nulls and duplicate values the.....By default..?

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: How to Increment The Number with combination of a String .......? working fine...


    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: How to Increment The Number with combination of a String .......?

    Thanks a i Meet my Requirement.

    But Unfortunately i have one more Requirement same like...i need to Insert the Incremented value in other table

    Example :...

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: Executing Errors

    Its working fine..!

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: Executing Errors

    Manju There is no Problem In query or in ur Table..Its excuting fine..Please find out the below Image..

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: CSV Incorrect Data

    Hi chandrika.r 91171 ..

    May be I understand ur requirement Clearly or not..!


    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: how to convert datetime into '25th January' format

    Hey Hi Ganesh...

    Please Try the Below Mentioned query..

    syntax :

    DECLARE @BeginningStay DATETIME

    SET @BeginningStay='1978-01-25 00:00:00.000'

    SELECT + DATENAME(d, @BeginningStay) +


    WHEN DATENAME(d, @BeginningStay) IN ('1', '21', '31') THEN 'st'


    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • RE: Hi....

    Hi ... Priyanka...

    In sql server. if u want to Give acess or Create Any login like ' Sa ' or Db-Creator

    Before that The login wat ever you are...

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)