How to Increment The Number with combination of a String .......?

  • Hi Guys I have a Data like below shown...







    For this data i needed to increment like.

    Past_value Present value.

    GMP000001 GMP000002

    GMP000002 GMP000003




    GMP001002 GMP001003

    Please guys Help to How to reach my above mentioned requirement........?

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • Out of interest, why do you want to increament journal values, typically when a journal is saved it shouldnt be modified (well thats how finance systems I've worked with in the past have worked to comply HMRC)

    Any how, this will acheive your required output

    declare @tab table (col1 varchar(10))

    insert into @tab values ('GMP000001'),('GMP000002'),('GMP000101')

    ;with cte1 as


    select col1, LEN(REPLACE(col1, 'GMP','')) length, REPLACE(col1,'GMP','')+1 as newnum from @tab


    select col1, 'GMP'+REPLICATE('0',length-LEN(newnum))+CONVERT(VARCHAR,newnum) as newcol from cte1

  • Thanks a i Meet my Requirement.

    But Unfortunately i have one more Requirement same like...i need to Insert the Incremented value in other table

    Example : GMP000001

    For above above value Increment is : GMP000002

    so here i need to display only incremented value like 'GMP000002 ' in a column

    For that i need a Query Anthony ..

    Any way thank u so much for Ur efforts.

    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]
  • pavanpala.vja (5/31/2012)

    Thanks a i Meet my Requirement.

    But Unfortunately i have one more Requirement same like...i need to Insert the Incremented value in other table

    Example : GMP000001

    For above above value Increment is : GMP000002

    To increment like 'GMP000001 ' to 'GMP000002' value

    For that i need a Query Anthony ..

    Any way thank u so much for Ur efforts.

    use what has been given and modify it and build it into an insert statement

    declare @tab table (col1 varchar(10))

    insert into @tab values ('GMP000001'),('GMP000002'),('GMP000101')

    ;with cte1 as


    select col1, LEN(REPLACE(col1, 'GMP','')) length, REPLACE(col1,'GMP','')+1 as newnum from @tab


    insert into sometable (somecolumns) select 'GMP'+REPLICATE('0',length-LEN(newnum))+CONVERT(VARCHAR,newnum) as newcol from cte1

  • working fine...


    Pavan Kumar. Pala[font="Verdana"][/font]

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