Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: how to calculate support in Association rules

    in found something...

    plz see the attachment.


  • RE: is there any OPEN Source services like SSAS

    i know some concepts of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.

    my Team Leader told me that - try on open source it'll help you in future that's way i am asking...


  • RE: Creating Data set Actions in Analysis Services

    hi, guys

    i have same problem,

    i am using this query and action target type is all cells

    "call PWSSASHelper.Query



    Data Source=SREEHAR-PC\instan;

    Integrated Security=SSPI;

    Initial Catalog=test',

    'select * from dbo.Employee1');"

    after processing the cube and then...


  • RE: Creating measure groups/folders


    i got it...


  • RE: Creating measure groups/folders

    i am right clicking on measures and go to properties,

    i am not find any Diaplay folder poperty in measures(BIDS)

    i am using SQL server 2008 Enterprise edition


  • RE: system requirements for datawarehousing

    Thanks for replay....

    Unable to Service Request

    while opening the link


  • RE: what are the differences between proactive caching and writeback

    Thank you....


  • RE: what are the differences between proactive caching and writeback

    can you please explain about Proactive caching


    please give some links for that proactive caching.


  • RE: MDX queries

    "You may set the MDXMemberMissing property to ignore in SSAS "

    where can i find this property in ssas


  • RE: sql to oracle data transfer

    by using linked server you can retrieve\view the data

    suppose u r in MS SQL SERVER ,if u wanted to retrieve the data from MySQL\MS ACCESS .for that we create...


  • RE: SSIS 2008 - Fluctuating duration of execution time between 2 Hours and 10 Hours

    i think you have more number of measures\dimensions,

    that's why your cube is taking more time to processing

    try to decrease those measures\dimensions

    and try to make another cube for same datasource

    then check...


  • RE: MDX queries

    i am using MS analysis service(10.0.1600.22)

    sqlserver 2008 Enterprise edition(10.0.1600.22)


  • RE: MDX queries

    thanks for replay

    it displays the following message

    Executing the query ...

    Query (1, 8) The member '[Batting]' was not found in the cube when the string, [Measures].[Batting], was parsed.

    Execution complete


  • RE: linked server for ssas

    thanks for replay...

    i am trying to create linked server as your's replay

    linked server is created but unable to retrieve the data(connection failed)

    i created the linked server like this

    exec sp_addlinkedserver

    @server='MOLAP', ...


  • RE: package

    thanks for replay

    no relation ship exits between those tables.....


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)