Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: The Indian Yes

    I agree that generally consultants in India do not want to get into a disagreement or conflict and they would say yes. I have come across numerous situations. In order...

  • RE: Security Audit

    Run sp_configure "c2 audit", 1

    reconfigure with override

    Recycle the SQL Server.

    C2 auditing is now enabled and you will see trace files under mssql\data directory.

  • RE: Startup Account and Connection Account

    Startup is used when starting SQL Agent. SQL Agent connects to SQL Server, at various times like updating system tables, running CmdExec jobs etc. where it uses the connection account....

  • RE: where can i get login logout tmming of database user in MS-SQL SERVER

    Auditing All from Server Properties under the security tab will give you login info but I don't think it would give logout info.

    You can use c2 to capture but please...

  • RE: No DBAs allowed access to Production DB Servers...

    You should have control and review process in place rather than imposing a blanket ban. You can your director that all logins with sysadmin prvilege will be audited, DBA logins will be...

  • RE: MCDBA vs non - MCDBA

    In my experience, certification is valuable only with experience. Use certification as an opportunity to learn more about what you might be doing over the past years. You are definitley...

  • RE: Connect from Linux/Solaris to SQl Server 2000

    ODBC drivers from Merrant helps you connect to SQL Server from Solaris etc. I am not sure about the price.

  • RE: SQL Server Needs Incremental Updates

    I agree that in order to compete with other DBMS vendors MS needs to come out with releases often. Five years is too long a time especially when SQL Server...

  • RE: Anybody using Filegroups/Tablespaces to seperate System Tables and User Data???

    Filegroups can be useful in the following scenarios:

    - You want to separate large tables to its own filegroups. This can help you run dbcc on filegroups instead of the entire...

  • RE: Traces and sysadmin

    sp_trace stored procs require sysadmin privilege in SQL 2K. It is a powerful facility and hopefully MS will remove this restriction in Yukon.

  • RE: calculate backup size

    You can run sp_spaceused for the database and the reserved value in the sp_spaceused output indicate the space used. The size of the backup will usually be the size of...

  • RE: Terminal Services - Is this good/bad???

    I am not sure whether you mean installing SQL Server on a machine by logging on using Terminal Service client. If that is what you meant, yes it is true....

  • RE: How to monitor SQL account usage?

    You can turn "Both" Audit Option from Enterprise Manager SQL Server properties. This will write login success and failures to SQL Server errorlog. You can scan the errorlog at frequent...

  • RE: SQL Server VS. Oracle - Making the Argument...

    My $.02 cents as I work in an environment that has SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase. One of the disadvantages that I hear and have experienced is the underlying Operating...

  • RE: Local Groups in Cluster

    The previous post was partially correct in that the cluster account should be granted login privilege inside SQL Server. But it need not have sysadmin privilege and we have tested...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)