Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V

    What I like the best about Hyper-V 3.0 as well as VMWare 5.0 and 5.1 is the fact that Guest OS NUMA-awareness is finally available.

    Before these versions, having a virtualized...

  • RE: sp_updatestats or sp_recompile

    Virender Sihag (7/16/2012)

    could anyone explain me what is better ..sp_updatestats or sp_recompile any why?

    The answer as always is : it depends.

    Both do something completely different. One updates statistics and...

  • RE: Rewriting Stored Procedure from Cursor to SET-based

    Lowell (5/22/2012)

    it looks to me like the cursor is calling a stored procedure [STAT_LK.dbo.stat_v3] for each row;

    to change this to a set base, wer would need to see the defintiino...

  • RE: Export data from Excel sheet to database

    DBA_SQL (5/21/2012)


    OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.".

    Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 5

    An error occurred...

  • RE: Export data from Excel sheet to database

    DBA_SQL (5/21/2012)

    Tried this script, but didn't worked..can u help out plz..

    Declare @Tabname nvarchar(100)

    set @Tabname = 'C:\..\...\packages\*.xls' --Given path of the folder

    SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\..\...\packages\@Tabname.xls', '@Tabname')

    What error messages...

  • RE: Export data from Excel sheet to database

    DBA_SQL (5/21/2012)

    This query looks good. But, if we have 100 tables in a folder, do we need to keep change the table name, pathname for all 100 tables manually?

    That's kinda...

  • RE: Export data from Excel sheet to database

    NOTE: Important - This example is for an exclusively x64 environment without any Office x86 parts and with this



    INSERT INTO ... Your_Table


    'Excel 12.0;Database=C:\excel-sql-server.xlsx',...

  • RE: Query SSAS Server Properties

    Yes, there is. Here's the PowerShell and AMO (Analysis Management Objects) way. 😉

    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices") | Out-Null;

    [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server] $srv = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server;

    [string]$ServerName = "Server\Instance";


    $BackupDestination = $srv.ServerProperties.Item("BackupDir").Value;


  • RE: Mount Points configuration on SAN for SQL Server

    Well, it depends.

    If you have a standard 18-drive SAN, it doesn't matter whether you have one large LUN or several smaller LUNs all using the same spindles.

    You really only have...

  • RE: ad hoc queries

    Eugene Elutin (5/15/2012)

    kwe477 (5/15/2012)

    Excerpt from below link:


    Dynamic queries:

    are nothing more than ad-hoc queries built using a dynamic string. Dynamic queries are considered ad-hoc queries by the optimizer because they...

  • RE: schema view in sql server

    you could try a

    SELECT * FROM [sys].[tables]

    where schema_id = 'your_schema_id'

  • RE: ad hoc queries

    Excerpt from below link:

    Ad-hoc query:

    created and executed manually through a client. e.g., a user opens up SSMS, writes a query and executes it.

    Dynamic queries:

    are nothing more than ad-hoc queries...

  • RE: performance tunning

    a starting point might also be to drop the indexes on at least






    that might be a solution also, but is depended on the size/config of your box.

    Also, am I reading...

  • RE: performance tunning

    Also it could be useful to know the HW-Config of your Box, namely

    - CPUs

    - I/O Channels

    - Memory

    - possibly NUMA aware

    - what version of SQL Server with Service Pack

    - x64/x86

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)