Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: VPN and multicast

    The current IPsec standard does not specify how to handle multicast traffic. Multicast traffic can only be sent to a physical or virtual interface, and IPsec does not represent...

  • RE: Ports used by MSSQL

    Glad to hear you found a solution to your problem. This was the point I was attempting to relay to you all along that RPC = Multiprotocol which...

  • RE: Server Network Utility - Default Ports

    Falling asleep here (did not say what SRV does). The SRV record permits the publication of port (tcp, udp, ...). This allows the clients to querry for service...

  • RE: Server Network Utility - Default Ports

    OK, Time for another network jihad or not.

    Actually, there is a new record type called SRV. You can read the full details in RFC2782 (

  • RE: Co-Existance of Anit-Virus and SQL Server

    I had a very bad experience with a customer who used Command AV on a 2K Server Box. Box would reboot (kernel trap) every time you attempted a terminal...

  • RE: Ports used by MSSQL

    #4 YOU SAY>>>"Also a PORT can only exist in 3 states, CLOSED, ESTABLISHED/TIMEWAIT (Open in other words), LISTENING. It cannot listen and process at the same time this is why...

  • RE: Ports used by MSSQL

    #3 Again not to start a flame war here, but your understanding of how sockets work is not quite correct (I commend you for your effort<honestly>):

    YOU SAY >>> "1433 answers...

  • RE: Ports used by MSSQL

    Ok Antares686,

    First, my intention is not to start a Networking Jihad here, just to correct your understanding of TCP/IP (which is flawed). Let me address a couple of your...

  • RE: Ports used by MSSQL

    Hi Steve,

    Looked over the netstat thread you sent me. Looks like you guys have some major confusion over the different SQL server network APIs (there is a lot of...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)