Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 109 total)

  • RE: Snapshot replication of tables with identity columns

    Yes - much easier to manage in script if you are often breaking repl down for maint. Especially when your db has hundreds of tables.


    Chris Becker

  • RE: 1 - Publisher, Many - Subscribers

    Use the following - you can get this syntax by scripting out your own publication:

    exec sp_addmergesubscription @publication = N'MergePubName', @subscriber = N'SubscrSvrName1', @subscriber_db = N'dbName', @subscription_type = N'Push'


    Chris Becker

  • RE: Snapshot replication of tables with identity columns

    GUI is not most reliable method for managing repl - nor does it allow you to manipulate advanced features. Learn the sql scripts for administration

    Use the following to add article...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Tx Replication

    ent manager - left click on first - hold shift - clikc on last - press delete key.

    or - take output of this & exec in qa

    select 'delete proc...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Peer-to-Peer Replication and code upgrades

    Definitely drop subscr, drop article, alter table, add article, add subscription. Run snapshot agent - if transactional repl snapshot only generated for affected tables.

    Otherwise if you get around your...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Replication with a VCS Cluster

    What is a VCS Cluster - Veritas Cluster Service??

    With MSCS you only deal with the "Virtual" istance of SQL. You register the virtual instance in management studio and configure this...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: local replication

    I can only assume you have a seperate dedicated distributor.

    The passwords must match on both servers for distributor_admin sql login... if you don't know password - change at both...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Replication Alternatives?

    KISS - I see so many companies using sql server that keep paying for crystal report when ssrs is amazing and built in, or they buy Informatica to solve etl...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: What if Merge DB comes corrupt

    Not necessarily. Pretty rare if it is also corrupt. Could occur if you initialized subscr w/ a corrupted backup...

    Good Luck.

    ChrisB MCDBA

    Chris Becker

  • RE: get status of running agent from the system at runtime

    Good. YOu are a c# programmer - take advantage of RMO

    Lookup "Programming with Replication Management Objects" in books online.


    ChrisB MCDBA

    Chris Becker

  • RE: How to avoid to replicate some columns

    You can do a couple of things.

    1) Edit your replication stored procedures on subscribers. Replicated transactions call insert/update/del sp's on your subscriber. Open the insert & update and comment the...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Updating the same record at the same time using merge replication

    Merge definitely has some latency issues - even when the agents are running continuously. Where the same row is updated the conflict resolver is very useful - you can monitor...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Add article in replication

    Did you start your snapshot agent? I leave my snapshot agent on a nightly schedule just in case I forget to start manually when adding articles...


    Chris B.  MCDBA MCSE OCP

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Distribution agent reports Invalid Object

    Try to execute the sp_MSins call in Query Analyzer. You can delete that record after, or wrap in trans & rollback.

    Is there a trigger on that table at subscr? (longshot)


    Chris Becker

  • RE: Distribution agent reports Invalid Object

    Interesting. Perhaps no transactions were replicated to that table until last night?

    Is dbo the table owner?

    Did you restart the agent successfully? Or is it still failing?

    If still failing,...

    Chris Becker

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 109 total)