Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 109 total)

  • RE: Scheduled Backup Maintenance Plans SQL Server 2014

    MaintPlans are tough to troubleshoot when they don't work, never proper err logging. For something as important as backups I'd switch to the well vetted backup database command in a...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Replication Issues after Upgrading SQL Server 2014 with service pack2

    Run profiler on your subscriber to see what command it falls asleep on.. create index??
    What version is publisher, you w/in 2 versions? When service packing - you need to...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: SQL 2005 Peer-To-Peer Replication Issue

    Sorry I meant first drop subscription, then drop publication at one node, do same at other. All under the Replication folder in SSMS

    Chris Becker

  • RE: SQL 2005 Peer-To-Peer Replication Issue

    Expand replication node and drop subscription at one node, then drop publication at other. Then run the below which will blow away all publications in your db, careful if you...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Replication between 2 sql 2k2014 that has the same IP

    This will not work with replication. Network & name issues that is.. 
    Maybe once you failover you can change the name and IP to match your primary.
    You should...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: SSAS multi-dim referenced/regular dimensions

    Customer dims get big, you need something to roll-up customers before showing as an attribute, no-one likes 20,000 columns in a dashboard or report.
    I look for things to group...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Peer-to-Peer Replication, replicating everything and nothing

    We discovered root cause of issue. Due to poorly planned and tested code, a IsChanged bit column was getting updated to 1 for every row. Interestingly it was already 1...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Named instance connectivity issues

    Additional info - it looks like SQL2008 was installed at one time because tools are still available. I presume it was the default instance.

    Server admins installed named 2012 instance, probably...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Named instance connectivity issues

    Thank you. Query returns:



    port is_dynamic_port

    0 1

    It is the local firewall on db server. We turn fw off, remote connect by instance name ok. Turn it back on,...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Account Dimension - Net Income

    You typically do not show Net Income on a Balance Sheet. This rolls up on a P&L or Income Statement. I'm not an accountant, just a humble dba w/ acctg...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Need Deadlock troublehshoot help

    Sorry should have include. Ins & Upd sps are from code generator (DooDads), inserts 1 row via sp call, update 1 row by PK. 1 row passed into sps

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Need Deadlock troublehshoot help

    Trigger yes, but I disabled and deadlocks continue. Table has about 2.7Mill rows, 1 clustered index on a PK column that is a varchar(50) - values are generated with a...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Log shipping a distribution server

    I have yet to find a reasonable solution when it comes to DR for a distributor. Unfortunately there are many exe's outside of SQLServer.exe, ie each repl agent has its...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Replication in sql 2000

    What keys? PK/FK? Look at properties of any article in gui.

    If you are sure this is set properly, make sure there is no other table on subscriber with same constraint...

    Chris Becker

  • RE: Merge replication - some deletes not replicated

    Create at both pub & sub. I personally do not like repl as a DR tool, esp merge, as this is slow over a wan link and not scaleable. Also,...

    Chris Becker

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 109 total)