Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: SQL 2005 Cluster - SP* Upgrade

    Thanks MJ - I saw that, it is a strange place to look. Anyhow, I did not have that entry in my environment variables on either server. We actually...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Cluster - SP* Upgrade

    Thanks - I did try both, with a user logged and not-logged on the passive node, as I believe I had seen that during the SP2 upgrade. The account...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Cluster - SP* Upgrade

    Applying SP3 to SQL 2005 SP2, 2 node Active/Active cluster, 6 named instances

  • RE: Upgrade sql 2000 cluster to sql 2005 cluster

    First, I would read about the major changes between the two versions. There are some significant differences, such as SSIS versus DTS, depending on your environment.

    Then, download and...

  • RE: SQL2005 / SP3 fails with start services problem

    Nope, like I mentioned, the account is a local admin and with SA privileges (full control) and I can start/stop services with that account just fine.

  • RE: 2005 upgrade

    My bad! I meant to say detach databases, not jobs.

  • RE: SuperSocket Info

    Everyone, problem resolved and it was due to a conflicting IP address in one of the nodes registry with the actual ip of the cluster (of that instance).  I guess a few main things...

  • RE: Redirecting a clustered instance

    An interesting twist - the ports mentioned above belong to instances, (3 instnaces on the same server).  The General Tab of Client Network utility on the server, TCP port is the...

  • RE: Redirecting a clustered instance

    Problem solved, that is right, it had nothing to do with cluster.  Apparently one of our newbe DBAs just learned how to change tcp/ip ports and had randomly changed them!!

  • RE: max server memory

    Point taken and the issue is resolved (it was getting stock on Full Text Search resource), since the DBA were not using that functionality, we removed it and everything worked.


  • RE: max server memory

    That makes sense! what doesn't make sense to me is that our DBAs asking for this - and here is why, see if you agree:

    We have 3 instances on...

  • RE: Cluster Nodes

    That seems to be the case, one-time installation appears to have taken care of both nodes. 

    While on the subject, anyone knows of a good documentation that shows how the...

  • RE: Cluster Nodes

    That's what I thought, but when I went to install on the second node, the installation asked me what to do with the existing one and if I wanted to...

  • RE: SQL CLuster and Instances

    Do I need to have a sperate drive associated with each instance, or can all instances be on the same drive, same IP? (I have different drives associated with Log,...

  • RE: xp_cmdshell not found

    I guess I am responding to myself. I just realized that despite what I had seen in several articles, the correct dll to map to that XP is actually...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)