Upgrade sql 2000 cluster to sql 2005 cluster

  • Hi,

    We have active/passive clustered environment in production. Sql Server is in 2000 verison. Cluster is working fine. We are going to upgrade sql server 2000 to sql server 2005. We don't have possiblility to test cluster upgrade in development environment to practice. Unfortunately we have to do directly in production. Can anyone please advise proper steps to follow in this sql upgrade in clustered environment. I am looking at many articles on BOL but I want to hear from real experience and any suggestions so this upgrade goes smoothly.


  • My advice would be to go for a Windows 2003 Cluster, which is more stable and easy to install. What are your options- Inplace upgrade or side by side?



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  • I would suggest you to go for side by side upgrade incase something happens its easy to revert back that way.

    If everything goes well inplace is the easiest one.

    Why dont you guys go for 2008 instead of 2005. Cluster in 2008 will have less issues than 2005.

  • We have decided to go for inplace upgrade.Since we don't have enough place for side by side.we have a vendor application on this server it supports only sql 2005, so we are upgrading to sql server 2005 only.

  • Mahi (1/14/2009)

    We have decided to go for inplace upgrade.Since we don't have enough place for side by side.we have a vendor application on this server it supports only sql 2005, so we are upgrading to sql server 2005 only.

    Keep in mind, at DRP time, because you've chosen an in place upgrade, you'll have to follow the same path during your re-install to get to the point where you can restore your db !

    (i.e. first install sql2000, upgrade to sp4, then upgrade to SQL2005, apply the current SP (or the one you need), restore your system and user databases)

    This all to get your registry and (file) security back in place !

    And the one thing you don't have at DRP-time, is Time itself !


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  • I was thinking if anything goes wrong with Inplace upgrade , I have to just uninstall 2000 and install 2005 should be suffice. Do I really need to install 2000 apply sp4 and then upgrade to sql 2005.

  • an in place upgrade inherits some settings from sql2000. The goal (from ms) is to keep it working !

    With a fresh install of sql2005, it will implement best practises and some "features" will be shut off. (e.g. cmdshell)


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  • First, I would read about the major changes between the two versions. There are some significant differences, such as SSIS versus DTS, depending on your environment.

    Then, download and run the SQL 2005 advisor. Try to fix all the Errors. You can also pre-install some pre-requists, such as .Net framework on each node.

    If all is good, fail over cluster groups onto one node and run the installation from there. pay attention to be logged with an Admin account on both nodes (but log off the second node). Run your installation. If analyzer goes through, you are most likely going to be okay. Choose services you require and remember to read about new DTS support.

    Good luck

  • I knew one of my friends did suffer these DRP issues after upgrade, but I couldn't find the ref.

    Today I found it back, so here it is:



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  • Did inplace upgrade

    when running the Install it looked like it upgraded node2 also,

    while applying sp2 to Node1 I got Failure status for Database Services Component, rest all components

    were ended successfully,

    when I googled for this I found out that it's a bug in SP2.

    BUG: The Installation Progress dialog box displays a status of Failure for the

    Database Services component when you install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 or

    SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 on an instance of SQL Server 2005

    Did anybody faced same problem.How did you resolve this?

    Thanks in advance

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