Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: 70-463 and 70-466 pre-requisit

    GilaMonster - Monday, January 16, 2017 2:03 AM

    If the certification site doesn't list prereqs, then there aren't any.

    fwiw, MS exams don't tend to...

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: sp_updatestats or sp_recompile

    thanks hopper.. i will check where exactly my team require this.

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: Deploying Report through command line

    rs -i myfile.rss -s http://localhost/reportserver

    -v datasource=Northwind

    myfile.rss is a vb script file. sample file can be found on net. simple script contains details of the report/datasouce need...

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: incremental data retrieval

    hi vedran,

    thank for you reply.

    yes i am agree with-nolock read dirty rows but this is confirmed that there will be no transaction rollback.

    so there is no harm in using no...

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: DO I Need to study SSAS first?

    yes sir, will take do so!

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: DO I Need to study SSAS first?

    yes, till now its relational database only! thanks :-)for your suggestion.

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: Use of temp table

    I know that temp tables are created in tempdb by default and automatically dropped on session close.

    he was telling that there would be more logging, caching etc. in case...

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: Use of temp table

    thanks for your quick reply jeff.

    Although i am already using temp tables, but my boss:):-D suggested me use physical table instead and like you i was also surprised.

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: SQL Table Insert rate?

    Thank you GilaMonster, Eugene and Paul for your valuable inputs

    @paul-2 : I will cheer for newzeland during next india-newzeland battle;-)

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: Query Help

    thank you paul


    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: Query Help

    hi kingstom,dev

    thank for u ur quick reply.

    derived/nested query is ok. but we will have a performance issue with this.

    i thought there would be some other way around if i want...

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • RE: Query Help

    hi Gianluca,

    here is an example

    create table #TransactionTable


    ClientCode varchar(50),

    buyqty bigint,

    sellqty bigint,

    rate decimal


    insert into #TransactionTable values('1001',20,30,10)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1001',10,30,8)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1001',80,30,9)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1002',2,30,20)

    insert into #TransactionTable...

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)