Query Help

  • can i set a alias or assign to a variable

    of a column so that i can use the same in the other column where i dont have to write all the logic again.

    For the clarity i need like this.

    select NetQty=(SellQty-BuyQty),

    NetPrice=(SellQty-BuyQty) * Rate

    from TransactionTable

    select NetQty=(sellQty-BuyQty),

    NetPrice=(sellQty-BuyQty) * Rate

    -- i need like this NetPrice=NetQty*Rate

    From TransactionTable

    although my formula is more complex than this 🙂

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • I don't quite get the question.

    Can you post an example? Basically I would like to see:

    * A CREATE TABLE script

    * Some sample data, scripted as INSERT into your test table

    * The desired output, based on the sample data

    If in doubt, take a look at the article linked in my signature line.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • You can make use of a Derived Table like below

    SELECTNetQty, NetPrice = NetQty * Rate


    SELECT NetQty = ( sellQty - BuyQty )

    FROM TransactionTable

    ) T

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Probably be easiest to create a view if you need to use the calculation in multiple statements

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • hi Gianluca,

    here is an example

    create table #TransactionTable


    ClientCode varchar(50),

    buyqty bigint,

    sellqty bigint,

    rate decimal


    insert into #TransactionTable values('1001',20,30,10)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1001',10,30,8)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1001',80,30,9)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1002',2,30,20)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1002',1,30,21)

    insert into #TransactionTable values('1002',8,30,22)

    select NetQty=(SellQty-BuyQty),

    NetPrice=(SellQty-BuyQty) * Rate

    from #TransactionTable

    can i use this query some way like this

    select NetQty=(sellQty-BuyQty),

    NetPrice=Netqty * Rate

    -- i need like this NetPrice=NetQty*Rate

    From #TransactionTable

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • Then you can use a derived table as Kingston suggested, or a CTE

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • hi kingstom,dev

    thank for u ur quick reply.

    derived/nested query is ok. but we will have a performance issue with this.

    i thought there would be some other way around if i want to do it in the same query.

    may be i take help of a local varaible

    becuase my calculations are on the same session

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • Dave Ballantyne (6/25/2010)

    Then you can use a derived table as Kingston suggested, or a CTE

    Agreed. Thanks for posting DDL and sample data.

    What Dave is calling a CTE is something like this:

    ;WITH IntermediateQuery

    AS ( SELECT NetQty = ( sellQty - BuyQty ), *

    FROM #TransactionTable


    SELECT NetQty,

    NetPrice = NetQty * Rate

    FROM IntermediateQuery

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • virender.singh (6/25/2010)

    derived/nested query is ok. but we will have a performance issue with this.

    What kind of performance problem? The way of accessing the table suggested by Kingston isn't any different from accessing the table directly.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Other options:

    CREATE TABLE #TransactionTable


    clientcode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    buyqty BIGINT,

    sellqty BIGINT,

    rate DECIMAL(5,2)


    INSERT #TransactionTable VALUES('1001', 20, 30, 10);

    INSERT #TransactionTable VALUES('1001', 10, 30, 8);

    INSERT #TransactionTable VALUES('1001', 80, 30, 9);

    INSERT #TransactionTable VALUES('1002', 2, 30, 20);

    INSERT #TransactionTable VALUES('1002', 1, 30, 21);

    INSERT #TransactionTable VALUES('1002', 8, 30, 22);

    SELECT iTVF.NetQty,

    NetPrice = iTVF.NetQty * Rate

    FROM #TransactionTable T


    APPLY (SELECT SellQty - BuyQty) iTVF (NetQty);

    -- OR

    -- Computed column (persisted and/or indexed as required)

    ALTER TABLE #TransactionTable


    NetQty AS SellQty - BuyQty


    SELECT T.NetQty,

    NetPrice = NetQty * Rate

    FROM #TransactionTable T;

  • Gianluca Sartori (6/25/2010)

    virender.singh (6/25/2010)

    derived/nested query is ok. but we will have a performance issue with this.

    What kind of performance problem? The way of accessing the table suggested by Kingston isn't any different from accessing the table directly.

    I agree with Gianluca. I don't think there will be any performance impact as the table will be accessed only once and not twice as you might be thinking.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • thank you paul


    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]

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