Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 52 total)

  • RE: Blocking Users by IP

    Good job, Brian. I will definitely use this.

    - Paul

  • RE: Linking to the Previous Row

    Excellent and clearly written!

    I'm always reading CTE articles and this is one of the best, because it explains a situation which is very commonly encountered.

    - Paul

    - Paul

  • RE: Good SQL Backups, problem with SQL Server Backup

    I'm unfamiliar with the 3rd party backup software you mentioned. If it is not specifically intended for backing up a data server, and is only meant for backing up...

    - Paul

  • RE: Conditional Statements in WHERE Clauses

    I had 1 or 2 approaches to this, but now I have a whole set of them.

    This is such a textbook example of what a technical blog is all about!...

    - Paul

  • RE: backup going forever

    Can you clarify by showing us the exact code the job is executing?  Especially important is to know if this is a regular SQL backup or third party.

    As Vivien alludes...

    - Paul

  • RE: stored proc to create a table

    I wonder if when you compiled your stored proc, you had a GO statement above the CREATE TABLE statement.  If that was so, only the code above GO would be...

    - Paul

  • RE: Addding a new column to table in use...

    This feature is not new to SQL 2005 - it can be done in SQL 2000 and prehaps prior versions.  My guess is that SQL 7 supports it as well.

    - Paul

  • RE: very large database, flaky internet connection, constantly having to snapshot

    Whenever I have a flaky connection I find that log shipping is my preferred choice.  Is that possible for your scenario?

    - Paul

  • RE: Would I encourage my daughter to pursue a career in IT?

    I'm not an expert in the area of psychology but I do like to read.  Here's something I learned:

    There was a study done using the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator.  It revealed...

    - Paul

  • RE: Would I encourage my daughter to pursue a career in IT?

    Excellent article, Lynda.

    In my career I have had some jobs that I loved, some that I absolutely despised, and some that were so-so.  I find that whether or not it...

    - Paul

  • RE: Introduction to ADO - The Command Object

    Thanks for the article.

    I tend to avoid using the parameters collection and just concatenate a string with all the info for the stored proc.  I find this easier that wrestling...

    - Paul

  • RE: Getting Access data into SQL server

    So did the db I sent work for you?  If not, then you have a tough situation.

    Next I would suggest re-applying sp1 of SQL 2005 - it has been known...

    - Paul

  • RE: Getting Access data into SQL server

    Here's all my code.  I'm using SQL 2005, developer version.

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

    @Server = 'TestLinkAccess',


    - Paul

  • RE: Getting Access data into SQL server

    When you say the databases is secured, do you mean that it has a password?  If so, try this, where password is "yaya".  I believe the provider you are using...

    - Paul

  • RE: Getting Access data into SQL server

    Can you please show a sample of the calling code which generates that error.

    - Paul

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 52 total)