backup going forever

  • Hi,

    i started a full database backup job for a very large Database around 500 GB. When I go to SQL management- JObs and If I refresh over there I still see the status of the job is still executing. It has been more than 24 hours since this job is running. But I don't see any changes in the .mdf file which i'm observing at the back up folder since I started this job. Size of .mdf file is constant now but job is running for few hours now. What confueses me is that SQL job status says still executing but there is no change going on in the .sqb back up file. I also try to see the sqlserver logs but there is no entry for this operation over there.

    What may be the problem?  Or is there something else i'm missing here?

  • Programmer -

    You probably won't see any change in the size of the .MDF file, as for the .sqb file, that sounds to me like it might be a RedGate SQL Backup file (they use that extension if I remember correctly)?

    Initially I was going to comment that a regular backup of a 500GB database would take some time (24 hours? maybe depending on where the source database and target backup files are located and how much I/O bandwidth is available) but if you are in fact using SQL Backup I would have expected it to complete by now... do you have their console installed anywhere?  That might be able to "peek" at the backup in progress and tell you what's going on.



  • Any blocking process?  use sp_who2 to check.

    Try to back up a very small database and see whether backup itself works or not.

  • Can you clarify by showing us the exact code the job is executing?  Especially important is to know if this is a regular SQL backup or third party.

    As Vivien alludes to, above, you should find a spid in sysprocesses for this backup.  Do you see it?  If so, then check it every so often to see if last_batch has changed.


    - Paul

  • Thanks folks for your replies. It was third party sql red gate back up. It was failing because there was no disk space. I think because of a bug in red gate even if the back up fails then job status continue showing executing.

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