Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 52 total)

  • RE: Question about Cloning Multiple databases to another Server

    Your question is one of my favorite interview questions. How they answer tells me a lot about their skills, and whether they are comfortable with scripting to automate mundane...

    - Paul

  • RE: Insert data in to Temp table from a dynamic query

    You can use a global temp table, meaning you use double hash marks, ##MyTempTable.

    The table will persist as long as you have a connection (spid) open that is accessing...

    - Paul

  • RE: Generate HTML output for given SQL Query


    Excellent job, thanks for sharing the code! Worked perfectly for me.

    Regarding the last two persons to post comments - you make good points that there are better and more...

    - Paul

  • RE: User List Connected to SSAS

    I would love to know the answer to this, too!


    - Paul

  • RE: Create and Populate Time Dimension

    Thanks for the code - nice and clean, with great comments. I'm using it and appreciate it.

    - Paul

  • RE: 9 Things to Do When You Inherit a Database

    Good points, Sylvia, that many including me would not have thought of.

    Another to add to the list: Check the location of data and log files and separate them if...

    - Paul

  • RE: Copy a table from a DB to another DB

    I agree with Lowell - that's that best way, but keep in mind that you might fill your transaction log if it is a huge table.

    In any case,...

    - Paul

  • RE: Sending Mail In SSIS Using Script Task- Simpler and Flexible Approach

    Hi Lempster,

    No, I was not "aiming" my comments at you! I was just defending the author - I felt that he was NOT saying "always use script for send...

    - Paul

  • RE: Sending Mail In SSIS Using Script Task- Simpler and Flexible Approach

    Great article Mainish, thanks.

    As was clearly stated in the "Purpose/Scope" section of the article, the intention is to show how you can use a script task to send...

    - Paul

  • RE: The Disappearing DBA

    Nice thought-provoking article. It gives me the opportunity to voice a related opinion...

    It seems to me that any good DBA would take pride in also being a developer. ...

    - Paul

  • RE: SSIS 101: Object Variables, ResultSets, and Foreach Loop Containers

    Excellent article, Andy.

    SSIS can be daunting at first, even for experienced DTS developers. You have provided what is missing in Microsoft documentation.

    I'm looking forward to other SSIS...

    - Paul

  • RE: Help, my database is corrupt. Now what?

    Wow, this is an exceptional article. Well-thought out, well-researched. It is definitely the most useful article I've read this year, and possibly will be the best all year!


    - Paul

  • RE: I need to remove the identity property on a column

    When I try setting 'allow updates' to a 1, I get the following message:

    Msg 259, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.

    So it...

    - Paul

  • RE: Being More Productive

    SSC has been an immense help - There have been so many times that I've found code snippets just in the nick of time to solve a problem.

    iPhone - especially...

    - Paul

  • RE: Full Transaction log

    Good article and everyone has brought up some good points.

    However we should also investigate additional reasons that the log filled up in the first place.

    Such as, a sole process may...

    - Paul

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 52 total)