Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: DO not Email When there's no Data with two datasets

    Data driven subscriptions also require the enterprise edition of SQL Server.

    This is a bit of a roundabout solution but what I usually do is...

    1.) Create a subscription for the report...

  • RE: SSRS Expression

    Just use an IIF statement...

    =IIF((Sum(Fields!DBA_Estimate.Value, "dsStatistics")-(Sum(Fields!DBA_Actual.Value, "dsStatistics"))) < 0, "Actual time is more than the estimated time.", (Sum(Fields!DBA_Estimate.Value, "dsStatistics")-(Sum(Fields!DBA_Actual.Value, "dsStatistics")))/60)

  • RE: Import Email Attachment

    Check out MailSystem.NET on CodePlex [/url].

    I managed to get a C# script task in SSIS working to download attachments from GMail.

  • RE: Bold rows in SSRS

    You can use an expression to change the FontWeight if you have a column in your dataset that you can use to identify the rows. Something like the following...


  • RE: SSIS 2012 Rename File by appending Date

    I usually handle this with a script task. In C# it would be something like...

    File.Move(Dts.Variables["User::FullyQualifiedFileName"].Value.ToString(), Dts.Variables["User::FullyQualifiedFileName"].Value.ToString().Replace(".csv", DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".csv");

  • RE: Questions about SSRS in 2008

    1 - Yes. All subscription in SSRS are SQL Agent jobs so you can set up your notifications off of the jobs. You'll find the SubscriptionID from the...

  • RE: Can a multi select parameter allow no selection?

    You could add an additional parameter that filters the selections in the multi-select. Something like "Show Charts" and have it be a yes/no that's defaulted to no. Use...

  • RE: Datasets Missing (video available of problem)

    No, a IIF won't work here, you need to return something from the dataset.

    What you can do is something like inserting your data into a temp table instead of simply...

  • RE: Datasets Missing (video available of problem)

    You're going to need to return data from the dataset to do that.

    My suggestion would be to check and see if there is any data meeting your criteria in your...

  • RE: Datasets Missing (video available of problem)

    Verify that your dataset is returning data. If you don't have a header/footer and there are no rows returned from the dataset then you'll get an "empty" area like...

  • RE: COUNT function and multiple columns

    You could inline case statements here...

    SELECTSUM(CASE WHEN assignment = '7' AND rank = '1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS firstshift

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN assignment = '8' AND rank = '1' THEN...

  • RE: How to add something to top of already written report?

    Unfortunately, SSRS does not have the same feature. You can select all the objects in the report (Ctrl+A) and then move them down together so that you keep the...

  • RE: SELECT INTO .... ? from one db to another on the same server

    What you want to do is script the table(s) first.  In Enterprise Manager or SSMS (not sure whether you're using 2000 or 2005), right click on the table you want...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)