Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 64 total)

  • RE: How do you spell S-Q-L?

    Q - what's the difference between char() and varchar()

    My answer, nothing, they'll both give you the same syntax error.  They also can both...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    Nice little loop through the user tables in sysobjects, no cursor, no temp table, minimal resource overhead.

    1.  It isn't a "result set" solution which is the biggest complaint I've seen against...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    You also don't have the overhead of maintaining the cursor data in memory.

    Well, if you have a temp table that starts with @, you still have the memory overhead.  If you...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    Hmmm, hadn't thought of that angle.  I don't know enough about locking to give a definitive answer.  What isolation level are you processing at in your script?  What isolation level...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    Chris, that's one of the best answers I've seen regarding this quesion.  Using a string to store generated script output certainly solves my ntext question.  Now all I have to...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    Using an even more inefficient method than cursors, sure it does!

    I'm looking more for a "set" answer from the "set purists" who don't...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    I have seen misuse of cursors, I know they are a performance killer and they are the lazy way for a beginner to find a solution.  In that respect, they...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    The properties support is built into the Enterprise Manager toolset.  The definition library travels with the database.  It doesn't depend on 3rd party software your customer may not have to...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    Try again

    select * from  ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'table', null, N'column', null) e

    produces null results, not surprisingly, so does:

    SELECT    o.[id] as 'table_id'    , o.[name] as 'table_name'    , c.colorder as 'column_order'    , c.[name] as...

  • RE: For those who say cursors are evil

    Oh, yea, don't use the underlying table dbo.sysproperties, that's an extremely simple way to build your dictionary without cursors that I've used a long time ago.  Use the function that obsfucates the process...

  • RE: Trying to paste a union query from Access to SQL server 2000

    I ran the following in QA with no problem:

    use Northwind

    SELECT qryPT001.EmployeeID

    FROM dbo.Employees qryPT001

    UNION SELECT qryPT002.EmployeeID

    FROM dbo.Employees qryPT002

    I used Enterprise Manager to create a view in Northwind and entered the above...

  • RE: The Basics of Cryptology

    Actually, I don't know what I'm talking about.  This was how I understood MS Outlook worked.  I could easily be totally wrong.  PGP...

  • RE: remove characters from fields

    I don't write VB code, but based on other coding experience it looks like I wrote my do loop correction wrong.  Shouldn't that be

    Do WHILE x>0?

    Do Until x=0 would run through the...

  • RE: remove characters from fields

    I'm not sure if VB is a proper solution, but at least write the loop correctly:

       x = InStr(sWord, sChar)

       Do Until x = 0

          sWord = VBA.Left(sWord, x - 1)...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 10 Aug 2005

    I also answered A. "An error occurs because the first restore statement is incorrect."  I picked that answer because of luck and elimination.  None of...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 64 total)