Trying to paste a union query from Access to SQL server 2000

  • hi all, i think the heading line sums up exactly what I am trying to achieve but here is the SQL from the Access DB that I am trying to create a view in SQL Server 2000 with...


    SELECT qryPT001.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT001

    UNION SELECT qryPT002.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT002

    UNION SELECT qryPT003.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT003

    UNION SELECT qryPT004.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT004

    UNION SELECT qryPT005.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT005

    UNION SELECT qryPT006.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT006

    UNION SELECT qryPT007.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT007

    UNION SELECT qryPT008.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT008

    UNION SELECT qryPT009.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT009

    UNION SELECT qryPT010.EmployeeNo

    FROM qryPT010;

    ..but I get this error message when i try to save the view "The Query Designer does not support the UNION SQL construct.". does anyone have any advice to offer to help resolve this please ?



  • I ran the following in QA with no problem:

    use Northwind

    SELECT qryPT001.EmployeeID

    FROM dbo.Employees qryPT001

    UNION SELECT qryPT002.EmployeeID

    FROM dbo.Employees qryPT002

    I used Enterprise Manager to create a view in Northwind and entered the above commands minus the use statement and got the same error message you did.  I said yes I wanted to continue and it reformatted my output:

    SELECT     qryPT001.EmployeeID

    FROM         dbo.Employees qryPT001


    SELECT     qryPT002.EmployeeID

    FROM         dbo.Employees qryPT002

    The column list and graphical image panes remained blank.  When I asked for output, it gave me output.  You should be able to create your view using the UNION command, the full EM support for doing so is not available.

  • Thanks Kenneth, like you I did get the results to display but had problems saving the view so I added the tables manually, re-pasted the Sql code back in the SQL pane and that took care of it.


    Thanks again,


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