Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Replication - few questions

    DDL issued against the published articles will propogate to the subscribers when they synchronize.

    You do have the ability to disable DDL replication if you need to:

    -- Turn off DDL replication...


  • RE: Trying to replicate from SQL 2005 Std to SQL 2008 Express

    We are currently using Merge Replication with 2008 Server as the publisher and clients running 2008 Express on their laptops. We recently upgraded from 2005 on both ends.



  • RE: oledb error trace -- CRITICAL.. please help


    I am having a similar problem, with a similar environment to yours. I have also followed the steps in the KB article you mentioned with no success. ...


  • RE: Message Queue Task


    No, we never did get the Message Queue task to work the way we wanted it to - perhaps it is possible, but we gave up on it and...


  • RE: Trigger Question


    How do you mean performaing badly, what metrics are you using to make this assumption?

    I would only ever expect a scan on deleted, if the table is small (...


  • RE: Pick on Windows Poll

    Q. How many Microsoft employees does it take to change a light bulb?

    A. They don't change it.  They declare darkness to be the new standard.


  • RE: Blob

    Here is a snippet of VB.Net code that I am currently using to do just that...


    Dim crReportDocument As New...


  • RE: Commit Work and rollback work

    Also be mindful that @@ERROR is reset after each statement is executed.  From looking at your pseudo-code, this may be your problem


    insert into ... blah blah blah blah




    Use SCOPE_IDENTITY in this case. There's a reason it's called that - because it retrieves the ID within the scope of your proc. IDENT_CURRENT should only be used...


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)