Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Extending Management Studio

    I vote for Redgate software, particularly SQL Compare:

    Ideally you could right-click a database of choice and have an option for SQL Compare / SQL Data Compare. Thus you have the...

  • RE: Invalid Parameter Error when processing data driven reports

    Hi there

    It might be a better option to check the data quality on the source system, thus returning the rows that have data errors. Othere wise the cleaner way is...

  • RE: Multi-statement Table-valued Functions

    try putting quotes around 'indices'

  • RE: Calendar table

    Dear all

    I am intending to use the above as opposed to calculating business days et al as I believe this is a simple solution for reporting dates etc.

    This being so...

  • RE: Calculating Business month-ends

    Thanks very much that worked just fine. Now when I build the calendar all I need to ensure is that the business week is correct which is easy enough.

  • RE: Calculating Business month-ends

    Nice solution! However my schema is rather different - to allow for different date states:

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Calendar] Script Date: 25/02/2003 12:33:33 ******/

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Calendar] (


  • RE: Data Extraction control and checks

    The data is pulled from 3 different DBs and placed into a staging table, which then has balance and exception checks run. There is a status column which I set...

  • RE: Data Extraction control and checks

    Can anyone advise me on creating a DTS package as per Steve's reply?

    This is probably an easy one, except that I am seriously rusty due to having been 'pure production...

  • RE: Data Extraction control and checks

    The server is SQL 2000 and the process needs to populate a daily extraction table, cleanse and check data, copy the checked data to a monthly table, call an SP...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)