Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)

  • RE: re: Creating a pivot query through SQL


    I actually came to the same conclusion myself - create a dynamic SQL string, and then execute to get the format I want. My next problem after that was the...

  • RE: re: Using DTS to Sybase

    Bingo! Thanks cneuhold, it was pretty much to that effect.

    The ODBC drivers I had weren't very effective. I downloaded the client toolset from Sybase, and once that was installed on...

  • RE: problem passing timestamp as part of xml data

    I assume you are loading XML into the db, not the other way around.

    When opening & loading an XML document into the db, I declare my dateime field as say...

  • RE: re: Reporting off your database


    I understand that users need to create their own adhoc rpeorts, however, our current issues have stemmed from the fact that everyone has become an Excel programmer, with their own...

  • RE: Timeout!

    Seems I found the answer.

    Although I set the timeout option for connection in ASP, you can also override the timeout option for commands to the SQL Server, which default at...

  • RE: All or none Transaction

    What if you're creating dynamic SQL Statements and executing them.

    ie. @strSQL = 'UPDATE tablea set column a = 56'

    execute sp_executesql @strSQL

    Will XACT_ABORT still be effective in this case?

  • RE: re: Insert XML document into a table

    Ai, it's a bit dirty but certainly better than using a cursor.


  • RE: Using OPENXML Dynamically

    I'm currently trying to do some dynamic XML uploading to the SQL too (and struggling a little)

    What about determining the type of XML document in the first proc, then passing...

  • RE: Database shrink takes ages

    In SQL 7.0 you use to have a "Truncate on checkpoint" option against the database - this is now the "Recovery option" under SQL 2000.

    By switching to Simple, its effectively...

  • RE: Database shrink takes ages

    Hi Robert,

    Obviously your database is logging all transactions running through it - check the options for your database, and you'll probably find the Recovery Model setting is set to...

  • RE: Database shrink takes ages


    sorry for not getting back sooner - bean away.

    The minor problems options is under the Integrity checks, and I did have it set, although this is run under a seperate...

  • RE: Database shrink takes ages

    sorry, I mean it will only truncate the log - it won't allocate data to empty pages.

    The system I'm using is on Windows 2000, with SQL 7, and I do...

  • RE: Database shrink takes ages

    After checking the time of creation, I realise that this problem occurred before I made any changes to the database (which makes it more a mystery).

    I also run my...

  • RE: Parsing an XML document generated from SQL via DOM

    I found an answer to my problem - I needed to refer to the attribute "type" of the element "mytable". Took a number of go's to get the result, but...

  • RE: Export from SQL to Excel - dynamic transformations

    sure, no problem.

    This script opens the select statement from SQL, and then (on a row by row basis), builds an SQL insert statement for the record into Excel. Obviously need...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)