re: Insert XML document into a table

  • Hi,

    I'm having some problems inserting an XML document into an SQL table. I'm using a FORXML statement to read the XML Stream being passed to the stored proc.

    However I also want to pass the table name to load the XML doc into. If I hardcode the table in the query, I have no problems loading it. But if I try to create a query string with my tablename variable in it, I get errors relating to the XML handle @iDoc.


    Straight statement works:

    INSERT INTO test_dist_ita_upl (outlet_id, d_input, variant_id, l_status, c_status)

    SELECT * FROM OpenXML @iDoc, '/dist_ita_changes/outl/dist', 0)

    WITH (outl VARCHAR(10) '../@outl',

    dtm varchar(10) '@dtm',

    vari varchar(3) '@vari',

    lst VARCHAR(1) '@lst',

    cst VARCHAR(1) '@cst' )

    This fails:

    SET @sqlquery = 'INSERT INTO test_dist_ita_upl (outlet_id, d_input, variant_id, l_status, c_status)

    SELECT * FROM OpenXML( ''' + convert(char(10), @iDoc) + ''', ''/dist_ita_changes/outl/dist'', 0)

    WITH (outl VARCHAR(10) ''../@outl'',

    dtm varchar(10) ''@dtm'',

    vari varchar(3) ''@vari'',

    lst VARCHAR(1) ''@lst'',

    cst VARCHAR(1) ''@cst'' )'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlquery

    I'm converting the @iDoc variable to a string in order to concat the query together - does this have an adverse affect on it, or should it be done differently?

    The only way I can see to load the table is to use a cursor, which I really don't want to do.

  • A bit of quick and dirty.

    Enhanced from BOL 2000 example

    DECLARE @idoc int,

    @doc varchar(1000),

    @What varchar(1000),

    @tab varchar(80)

    Set @tab='#Tmp'

    Set @What='/ROOT/Customer'

    SET @doc ='


    <Customer CustomerID="VINET" ContactName="Paul Henriot">

    <Order OrderID="10248" CustomerID="VINET" EmployeeID="5"


    <OrderDetail ProductID="11" Quantity="12"/>

    <OrderDetail ProductID="42" Quantity="10"/>




    -- Create an internal representation of the XML document.

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc

    -- Execute a SELECT statement using OPENXML rowset provider.

    SELECT * Into #Tmp

    FROM OPENXML (@idoc, @What,1)

    WITH (CustomerID varchar(10),

    ContactName varchar(20))

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc

    Select * from #tmp

    Exec ('Select * Into '+'TestTab'+' from #Tmp')

    Select * from TestTab

    Drop Table #tmp

    Drop Table TestTab

    The TestTab reference must become a variable.

  • Ai, it's a bit dirty but certainly better than using a cursor.


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