Talking baseball

  • calvo (12/9/2013)

    haha. Sorry Ray. A good player leaving your team for more money, how does it make you feel? 😉

    Honestly, they Yankees couldn't afford another $200+mil player. They need to fill out their rotation and figure out this Jeter thing. Who knows how long that guy will last and they need a replacement for him.

    Signing Ellsbury and Beltan is a good move. Very, very few 200+ mill players long term work out. I think 99% of all long term signings don't work out in the end. Just my opinion I know.

  • Oh man! I didn't see that they signed Beltran and also lost Granderson (Mets). That's cool, I guess. Beltran is a good player, I like him.

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  • calvo (12/9/2013)

    Oh man! I didn't see that they signed Beltran and also lost Granderson (Mets). That's cool, I guess. Beltran is a good player, I like him.

    He revived himself in St. Louis. Question becomes can he do the same on the big Stage in NY... and he is getting older..

  • And Saltalamacchia to Florida? I liked that kid, he was solid (most of the time).

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  • If anyone wants to keep on top of EVERYTHING MLB trades, signings... etc...

    THis is a great site that tracks all 30 teams.

  • Markus (12/9/2013)

    calvo (12/9/2013)

    Oh man! I didn't see that they signed Beltran and also lost Granderson (Mets). That's cool, I guess. Beltran is a good player, I like him.

    He revived himself in St. Louis. Question becomes can he do the same on the big Stage in NY... and he is getting older..

    They did a 30/30 on ESPN featuring Beltran. He had an interesting career starting with KC and at one point "the chosen one" for New York's other baseball team. Interesting thing I remember from the show, he draws a "J" in the batter's box each time he comes up to bat. He does so for his wife whose name starts with "J". There's a whole story behind it, it is sweet. lol

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  • calvo (12/9/2013)

    Markus (12/9/2013)

    calvo (12/9/2013)

    Oh man! I didn't see that they signed Beltran and also lost Granderson (Mets). That's cool, I guess. Beltran is a good player, I like him.

    He revived himself in St. Louis. Question becomes can he do the same on the big Stage in NY... and he is getting older..

    They did a 30/30 on ESPN featuring Beltran. He had an interesting career starting with KC and at one point "the chosen one" for New York's other baseball team. Interesting thing I remember from the show, he draws a "J" in the batter's box each time he comes up to bat. He does so for his wife whose name starts with "J". There's a whole story behind it, it is sweet. lol

    I like that we signed Beltran, but what really sucks is, what are we going to do with all these outfielders? Unfortunately, as a result, I think Brett Gardner is trade bait. I love the guy, and wouldn't want to see him go.

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  • Nice!!! Three very-deserving managers are heading to Cooperstown!

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  • And now it's official: we have instant replay in baseball.

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  • Ray K (1/16/2014)

    And now it's official: we have instant replay in baseball.

    I hope they do it better the embarrassing travesty that is NFL replay.


  • Ray K (1/16/2014)

    And now it's official: we have instant replay in baseball.

    I really like baseball. It's my favorite sport. I don't know if I can handle the delays that this will cause. I stopped watching football because it causes too many delays.

    One thing I'd like to see is a limit to the number of times a batter can step out of the box. There's no reason for a batter to step out after every pitch. I especially dislike those who have to go through a routine between pitches... re-tighten batting gloves, pull on the jersey, pick up some dirt, adjust gloves again, take helmet off, run hand through hair, put helmet back on, adjust gloves again, step into box with only one foot and step out again, scratch, say something witty to the catcher, adjust gloves again, step into box... only to take strike three!


  • Meh, I'm still indifferent.

    I wouldn't consider myself a purist but I'm not sure what this will bring to the table. I don't think it will make games noticeably longer and I think it can affect the outcome of a game the same way a missed call can (good or bad).

    This is supposed to right the wrong when an umpire completely blows a call but how often does this happen? Maybe a handful of times, a dozen times, per season? So we're going to implement all these rules and regulations and hire more umpires to sit in chairs in new york in order to overrule the handful of missed calls each year? Seems overkill to me. It seems overkill especially when umpires already have the ability to confer and overturn calls right on the field! The obviously blown calls from last year weren't close plays, just bad angles. Other umpires could have stepped in, they just don't.

    They should have done a post season implementation to begin with then scale it to the regular season. I think it would be a little better received than a full season right off the bat.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first one yelling at my TV "Oh come one! Challenge that Farrell!" I'm just not convinced we need it right now.

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  • On replay: They need to just get another 2 officials in the booth and not have the silly delay of someone walking over to a monitor as they do in football. It's silly to not have another official make the call quickly.

    On the delays: I'll tell you from batting regularly that it's hard to get prepared to hit. Some pitchers go fast, and you need a moment to get out and get yourself ready to swing. I can't complain about that too much, unless you set pitchers on a quick clock as well, which would impact steals. Pitchers can really watch and delay based on calls, and that time creates tension. That would, IMHO, swing the advantage back to the pitcher and dramatically reduce hits.

  • I wish there were more split screen views in a baseball game so that folks that did not play baseball after the Babe Ruth league level get to see just how strategic the game of baseball is. There is virtually a meaning to almost every action you see out there.

    However, as a Phillies fan, I am done with watching them until the GM is fired! Anyone can write CHECKS! LOL

  • Very happy that my boys from the Evil Empire signed Tanaka[/url]!

    Now it begs the question: is he the next Yu Darvish or the next Hideki Irabu?

    Let the discussion begin . . .

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