Talking baseball

  • Game 1 was a stress free game for me. Wainwright wasn't the best and Boston scored early and was able to add to it in later innings.

    Game 2 was a different story. Wacha was great for 6 2/3, he's got some pretty good stuff. Boston scored a couple then it just fell apart with a couple errors. I figured we would need to win one of these first two games and we would be good for the series. Heading to St Louis won't be easy but it's definitely doable.

    Go Sox!

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  • Haven't followed baseball much recently, but couldn't help seeing all the headlines over the Game 3 ending.

    My $0.02: The BoSox catcher should have simply held the ball after making the first tag especially with 2 outs, bottom of the ninth. No throw, no missed catch, no call, no obstruction.

    Just my $0.02 from over here in the cheap seats of the peanut gallery - please adjust for inflation and/or your local currency.

  • Oakland A's fan here.. never been a fan of the evil empire after they got Rickey Henderson from us.

    Sometimes I still feel that we are the farm system for every good team's pitching staff!!!

  • lshanahan (10/27/2013)

    Haven't followed baseball much recently, but couldn't help seeing all the headlines over the Game 3 ending.

    My $0.02: The BoSox catcher should have simply held the ball after making the first tag especially with 2 outs, bottom of the ninth. No throw, no missed catch, no call, no obstruction.

    Yeah, I feel it was probably the right call as much as I don't agree with it. They say they will revisit the rule and discuss intent, which they should, but now you're getting into how an umpire interprets the actions of a player. One more thing to heckle the officiating crew about.

    I always take a breath when players throw to a base they're not use to throwing to, especially when they rush it. Pitcher throwing to first, catcher to third, pitcher to third it's always unnatural. Salty should have never thrown the ball.

    Bogarts did a similar thing last night. Grounder to third with a diving stop. He rushed the play and didn't set his feet before throwing to first, ended up pulling Napoli off the bag and the runner had a stand-up double.

    I've got a few more greys than I had a week ago.

    Go Sox!

    P.S. Have faith Newbie Jones, farm teams don't play in October.

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  • Dislike the Red Sox heavily, but congrats to them for winning 3 in a decade. That's impressive.

    With 2 more from the Cards, this was the decade of Red.

  • I'm super happy they won. I'm even more happy that it was a somewhat close series and not a clean sweep. With legendary pitching duels and back and forth games, the series as a whole was very fun.

    The big move this off-season will be watching what they do with Ellsbury. There's been big talk about him going to St. Louis or Texas, why wouldn't they resign him! Injury prone, great hitter, fantastic defense, young... will be interesting.

    On a somewhat related note. I'm so happy to see sour-puss Pappelbon be a loser over there with the Phillies. Two years after he gave up on the Sox and said what he did, they go and win another series 😀 pooooooor Pap.

    Any other big off-season moves coming up? Already have new managers in Washington and Detroit.

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  • Fielder to Texas and Brian McCann signs with New York.

    Cano is holding out for 10yr 300+ million contract and the Yankees are at about half that. New York is offering him 7yrs 150-170 million. No one is going to sign him for that much for that long. He's a great player but teams aren't going to be throwing money at players any more, A-rod is a perfect example why.

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  • calvo (11/25/2013)

    Fielder to Texas and Brian McCann signs with New York.

    Cano is holding out for 10yr 300+ million contract and the Yankees are at about half that. New York is offering him 7yrs 150-170 million. No one is going to sign him for that much for that long. He's a great player but teams aren't going to be throwing money at players any more, A-rod is a perfect example why.

    Agreed. I think the ten year contract is a thing of the past.

    I love Robbie Cano, but I think we'd be better off letting him walk and using the money we save to sign some other critical needs (and there are a lot of them).

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  • Cano may not get a 10 year 300 mill contact but to say teams aren't going to throw big contracts to players and 10 year deals are a thing of the past is crazy. The last 10 or so monster deals... who would have guessed that they would have been that big.... Hamilton, Votto, CC, Albert P, Fielder, Jason Werth, etc.... Bryce Harper will land a monster deal... Mike Trout will....

  • Personally, I would like to see some of the salaries go down, or at least the years. It seems way more often than not the players do not live up to long contracts, especially those over 5 years.

    I hope the Yanks get him at < $20mm, and I hope A-Rod gets suspended and they can get out of his contract. They need to start developing more players and pitchers, and not buying so many.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/28/2013)

    Personally, I would like to see some of the salaries go down, or at least the years. It seems way more often than not the players do not live up to long contracts, especially those over 5 years.

    I hope the Yanks get him at < $20mm, and I hope A-Rod gets suspended and they can get out of his contract. They need to start developing more players and pitchers, and not buying so many.

    Unlikely... until the massive Cable TV Contracts go down the money spend and years of contracts will only continue to go up.

  • Noooooooooooooo!

    I'm okay with him being traded. I'm NOT okay with him being traded to New York. 7yr/$153mil for him and 5yr/$85mil for McCann, looks like New York is spending Cano's salary. Sorry buddy, you're still not worth $300mil.

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  • calvo (12/4/2013)


    I'm okay with him being traded. I'm NOT okay with him being traded to New York. 7yr/$153mil for him and 5yr/$85mil for McCann, looks like New York is spending Cano's salary. Sorry buddy, you're still not worth $300mil.

    I think the Yankees are looking at it like resigning Cano won't improve the ballclub. TV Viewship was reported to be down so they need to better the team. This is what I found this morning:

    The Yankees have been in simultaneous talks with Shin-Soo Choo, Carlos Beltran, and many other top free agents, including their own Robinson Cano. Things have stalled somewhat with Cano, however, as the Yanks don't want to go far beyond $170MM over seven years and Cano's team looking for about $260MM. Heyman spoke with sources who didn't rule out the Yankees continuing their purusit of Choo or Beltran, but it would seem unlikely at this point. One source told Jeff Passan of Yahoo Sports (on Twitter) that a deal with Ellsbury or another top outfielder won't preclude the Yanks from re-signing their star second baseman.

    The Yankees have been vocal about their desire to get under the $189MM luxury tax threshold this winter, but it remains to be seen where they'll stand after the Ellsbury deal and Brian McCann's five-year, $85MM pact. Now more than ever, one has to imagine that the Yankees are rooting for MLB's side in the Alex Rodriguez saga.

  • NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • haha. Sorry Ray. A good player leaving your team for more money, how does it make you feel? 😉

    Honestly, they Yankees couldn't afford another $200+mil player. They need to fill out their rotation and figure out this Jeter thing. Who knows how long that guy will last and they need a replacement for him.

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