ssis and ssrs interview questions

  • Jeff Moden (11/3/2009)

    malli.chitturi (11/2/2009)

    Its not about memorizing the Q&A. Its about SQL is easy to Learn but hard to master. So Its just helping what part of SQL they have to concentrate to pass through an interview. I believe they know most the SQL but just confused and want some guidance.

    I request everyone to be professional in giving their reply than arguing to each other. If you can help ...please help them who are in need but please don't discourage them.


    Heh... yeah... ok... professionally speaking... I can only hope that the people you provide interview questions to show up on your doorstep for an interview. 😉 Let's stop and think about this... the person asking for interview questions doesn't even know how to search the web for such things or maybe they're just bloody lazy. Do you really want someone like that on your team? I don't. I'm certainly not going to help them get on someone else's team, either. Now THAT would be "unprofessional". While you're at it, you should teach them how to search the web...

    [font="Arial Black"]Click here for free tutorial[/font]


    Heh, good link, Jeff. Here's my favorite from that list:



    Meticulous adherence to undeviating courtesy, honesty, and responsibility in one's dealings with customers and associates, plus a level of excellence that goes over and above the commercial considerations and legal requirements.

    Note the emphasis.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • That was my favorite, as well, and you highlighted the same words I would have especially in the current thread. 🙂

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks vishal

    Its a great work.

    keep it up

  • RBarryYoung (11/25/2009)

    Jeff Moden (11/3/2009)

    malli.chitturi (11/2/2009)

    Its not about memorizing the Q&A. Its about SQL is easy to Learn but hard to master. So Its just helping what part of SQL they have to concentrate to pass through an interview. I believe they know most the SQL but just confused and want some guidance.

    I request everyone to be professional in giving their reply than arguing to each other. If you can help ...please help them who are in need but please don't discourage them.


    Heh... yeah... ok... professionally speaking... I can only hope that the people you provide interview questions to show up on your doorstep for an interview. 😉 Let's stop and think about this... the person asking for interview questions doesn't even know how to search the web for such things or maybe they're just bloody lazy. Do you really want someone like that on your team? I don't. I'm certainly not going to help them get on someone else's team, either. Now THAT would be "unprofessional". While you're at it, you should teach them how to search the web...

    [font="Arial Black"]Click here for free tutorial[/font]


    Heh, good link, Jeff. Here's my favorite from that list:



    Meticulous adherence to undeviating courtesy, honesty, and responsibility in one's dealings with customers and associates, plus a level of excellence that goes over and above the commercial considerations and legal requirements.

    Note the emphasis.


    1st question... When you run into a problem you don't have the knowledge to solve, what do you do to solve the problem?

    2nd question... Let's take this thread as an example... for those that asked for questions, why did you feel it necessary to ask for help instead of doing the necessary research to help yourself? There actually is a correct answer to this question and, no... I'm not asking with sarcasm. For those that read this thread but didn't ask for questions, why didn't you?

    3rd question... I agree with some of the others that questions can often be used as a guiding tool to self training. Since many questions have been provided, what have you researched and taught yourself in that light since you first saw the questions? For example, one of the questions asked how to get rid of duplicate spaces in a string... can you now show at least 2 different methods as working code with sample test data and discuss the pros and cons of each method?

    4th question... There are many great DBA's and SQL Developers that have had little or no formal training while other great DBA's/SQL Developers have had an extraordinary amount of training. What makes folks from either group (not trained vs trained) "great"?

    5th question... In your opinion, what is the only way that a DBA or Sr. SQL Server Developer can keep from making a mistake?

    6th question... Why do you want to be a DBA (or Senior SQL Developer)?

    As for the above listed questions, where are the answers;-)

    My answers

    1. It depends

    2. Because of No.1, 4, 5 (chance to learn independently with integrity, honesty and professionalism)

    3. Not posting them

    4. Professionalism, work ethic, community

    5. Mistakes will happen, but preparation, planning, persistence and education will help to prevent them.

    6. Because it is fun, hard work, and difficult at times.

    Sorry Jeff - did I give any answers away?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • CirquedeSQLeil (12/1/2009)

    Sorry Jeff - did I give any answers away?

    Yep... just in time, too. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thank you all.

    Please post some more questions SSIS


    Thanks in Advance

  • Thank you.Great stuff.

  • Thank you vishal. Can you post SSRS Related Questions if you have?

  • Searching the web probably brought them here. It was one of the first links listed on Google...

  • Vishal, Thanks!

    To add to Vishal's list, here are few more questions :

    1. Describe any 3 Control Flow Tasks and any 3 Transformation Components with their usage.

    Ans: DataFlowTask, Bulk Inser Task, ExecuteSQL task are 3 simple tasks one can explain.

    - The most common control flow task used in practice.

    - DataFlowtask mainly used for data transformations(Deriving new column, Splitting the column into 2 or more columns, pivot actions, etc) using 3 types of transformation components - Source, Transformation and Destination.

    - One can have many DataFlow tasks in a package.

    - Bulk Insert Task: To upload csv file data into a database table. This is very fast and can also upload the data in batches.

    - ExecuteSQLTask : To run sql command on database table.

    2. How Pivot and Unpivot components work? How do you set properties for those components?Ans:

    3. What are other options(competitors) to SSIS? Why to go for SSIS?

    Ans: Pentaho's Kettle, Oracle's OWB, Cognos.

    Why SSIS?:

    - SQL Server Integrated. You get database + BI both. (One way advantage the other way tight coupling! But if you are on Windows platform this is best choice)

    - Much cheaper than Cognos. ( I don't know about Pentaho and Oracle pricings, one can please make sure on this before you state this claim. Atleast you can claim on cognos pricing!)

    - Skills availability - You can get more BI Developers and easily train them on Microsoft SSIS.

    - Application Integrity: Microsoft applications, products are more open in connectivity, customization and integration with other applications.

    4. When to use ADO.NET Connection and when to use OLEDBConnection?


    - Both talk to their underlying data sources in very different ways – the OLE DB source will talk directly to relational OLE DB compliant sources, but the ADO .NET source goes through a layer of abstraction so it can talk to the source through a .NET provider.

    - You only need to consider using the ADO .NET source in two cases. Firstly if no OLE DB provider is available – e.g. if you need to talk to a SAP BI instance. Secondly if you need to access the source through a Script Task.

    5. What is a Script Transformation Component? When to use it?

    - One can write a script( may be in VB.Net) to transform the input data.

    Best choice to use Script Component is when the input data in very much unstructure, there is no specific pattern involved where one can derive the target model. e.g. Date Convert is often required to convert any vague date format into standard format like dd/mm/yyyy.

  • how are these questions going to help you when you get the job and you still won't know what to do? not going to help you in the long run, suck it up and actually learn the stuff

  • Thanks

  • Thanks .. very useful for a beginner:-)

  • Thanks Vishal...

  • GSquared (2/3/2009)

    I would like to point out that memorizing the answers to some probable interview questions is probably a good way to get job that you can't do and will be fired from. Don't interview for a job that you can't do. It hurts the company, which means it hurts all the other employees, if you get a job that way. It's dishonest.

    If that's not what's being done here, sorry. It's certainly what this thread looks like.

    Think of it this way: How would you feel if you found out your doctor got his job by memorizing answers to interview questions, but had no real knowledge of medicine?

    intelligent quote by an intelligent soul....

    Raunak J

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