SQL Server 2005 SP3

  • Thank You,

    Is his on the node where you implemented the SP3 or on one of the other nodes ?

    Did you apply sp3 (for the client software (ssms)) to all nodes

    Actually we have 3 node a/a/p cluster setup. Node1 we 1 instance and node3 4 instances and node 2 is passive. We applied Sp3(selected all the features inclusing cliet tools, setupfiles everything) first on node1 instance and rebooted all the nodes. Then applied sp3 on node3 for other 4 instances, here also selected all the features and rebooted all the nodes. SP3 installation is successful.

    Then Iam seeing this agents XPs message On all 4 instances of node3 but not on Node1 instance

    SQLServer Error(15281) SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs' of component 'Agent XPs' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Agent XPs' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Agent XPs', see 'Surface Area Configuration' in SQL Server Books Online.

  • You can apply CU1 for SP3

  • Hi,

    From BOL,

    When you use the Surface Area Configuration tool to start the SQL Server Agent service, these extended stored procedures are enabled automatically

    So I did start the sql server agent from surface area configuration But still I have the same error

    and From the below results from which column output we can know that Agent XPs are enabled?

    name min max config_value run_value

    Agent XPs 0 1 1 1

  • keep in mind SAC should not be used on a clustered instance!

    You should use cluster manager to configure (stop/start) parts of this sqlserver instance.


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  • Cluster manager means the Cluster administrator, where we can take the resources offline and online?

    even I took offline the sql server agent and bring it online from cluster administrator still I have the same issue.

  • Yes, that it what it means!

  • It is weird that the results of the query on the Node 3 shows that XP is enabled and yet you get the message that it is not enabled.

  • iam seeing this error in quest spotlight monitoring tool. Where can I look for this error in sql server.

    I check the erro log and sql server agent error log but i did not find this error over there.

    Is something the issue with monitoring tool?

  • Thank you..

    My issue hasbeen resolved!!!!

    I used the cluster administrator to stop and start the sql agent and then I restarted the Monitoring tool, now everything is fine

    Thank you

  • I'm glad you resolved the issue.

    As you've experienced, on a cluster, you need to use the correct tool (indeed: Cluster administrator) for a clustered service to be available !

    Been there, done that 😉


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  • I have a question regarding SP3. I have SQL 2005 Developer Edition 64-bit installed on Vista Ultimate 64-bit w/SP1, and have installed SP2 for SQL Server 2005, but none of the CUs for SP2 as yet. As this is on my home machine, there's no corporate environment to worry about. My question surrounds the "apparent oddity" regarding CU10 and CU11 hotfixes NOT being a part of SP3. Is it ok to just go to SP3 and then install MS's "fix" for that oddity, or should I first apply CU11 and then go to SP3 and then the MS fix for it, or do I even need what CU10 and CU11 for SP2 had to offer? If I ever did need those, I'd hate to lose out on the opportunity by not getting them installed at the proper time, and potentially having a MUCH more intrusive SP deinstall at a later date in order to go back and "do it right the 2nd time". Because I'm trying to learn more about the administrative pieces of SQL Server, my gut says "get the experience of installing CUs by installing CU10, then CU11, then SP3, then the fix...

    Can anyone offer any guidance on that?


    (aka smunson)


  • Steve,

    There is a CU1 for SQL 2005 SP3 that has the same items as CU10 and CU11 had in them. So you will not lose anything by not installing CU10 & 11.

    Cummulative Updates are up to each individual to decide if they should be installed or not. They do not go through a thorough round of testing my Microsoft the same that a Service Pack goes to. If you have been running simply at the SP2 level with no issues, I would think you could just install SP3 and not have to worry about any other CU. But again, you still have that option after going to SP3.


  • As Chad stated, there is a CU1 for SP3 (released at about the same time as sp3 itself).

    To apply it to a SP2+CU10 (or CU11), you can directly apply SP3 (nu uninstall of sp2 or CU needed) and then apply the CU1.

    It caused me no troubles at the 6 servers where I had to apply it that way.


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  • Update: I've gone ahead and installed SP3, and should I need the stuff in CU1, I at least know where I can get it. Thanks, folks!


    (aka smunson)


  • If you were on CU10 or 11 of SP2, I'd suggest you go on to CU1 of SP3 to get to the same software level.


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