• Hi,

    May be they are already used or blocked (Make sure all your firewall and router ports are open for the port numbers http://database.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/sql-server-l/need-help-in-database-mirroring-1648286#).



    Each database endpoint must specify a unique port on the server.

    When working with SQL Server instances on separate machines, these port numbers can all be the same and the Configure Database Mirroring Security Wizard will automatically suggest port 5022 as the port.

    If any of the SQL Server instances are on the same machine, each instance must have a distinct port and the port numbers must be unique.

  • Hi, Mr.Ahmed how are you doing? this past 2 days was week end and i was out outside. any how.

    now the problem is as you said due to the instances in the same computer, the port numbers should be different. so, i have to open the port numbers from the Router and also disable the firewall.

    what i did is i have disabled the firewall and opened the port numbers

    * mice server

    *Htuil server

    *SCPI IELNET AND thier protocol is both UDP & TCP and port numbers are 5022,5023 and 5024. and then i tried to configure it but it has the same problem the end points for the Mirror and witness server are giving errors.


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