• hi,

    like Greg said the miror database will have the state restoring (wiating transaction logs from the principal).



  • Hi guys

    i understand what you saying is the database stays in a loading state. but how can i configure the security i mean the next step is i have select the principal Dbase and properties then the configure security screen will appear. and i can't do that because of the error message says " database Accounting can't be opened. it is in the middle of restore.( Microsoft SQL server error: 927)." besides i can't open the Accounting software and says that " login failed"

    Mr.Ahmed, what i understand is my database as it is and also the software will run smoothly and regarding the mirroring is it will create another spare or copy of the database in case when the main database fails then the mirror becomes the principal data. but here even if i restore the Full accounting database in the work station, the application software will stop. and this will be another problem. i thought that even though the principal data mirrored, the software would run with out any problem. i hope you will get my idea.


  • Hi, Mr.Ahmed how are you doing?

    is it possible that to configure or install both instances the MIRROR, the Witness before i mirror the principal database? because, first i want know that the 3 instances are being together in one server.


  • Hi Salah,

    I am sorry for the delay, it's 5:25 Am (here). You should install the mirror and witness before starting the mirroring (3 differents instances)

    The witness server's role is to enable automatic failover. When database mirroring is used for high availability,

    if a principal server suddenly fails, if the mirror server has confirmation from the witness, it can automatically take on the role of principal and make its database available within a few seconds.

    Check the following link




  • thank you very much Mr.Ahmed and i appreciate for your help. i have read the notes that you gave me, it is absolutely clear.

    yesterday we directly mirrored, and now as i am saying first i have to configure the mirror and the witness both with the principal in one server. what i did is look the following scenario-

    my Accounting database, properties,select mirroring, configure security, then configure database mirroring security wizard,next,yes,next,checked witness sever,next, my principal sever instance name is ASMARINO,listener port is default 5022, checked encrypt data sent.....end point name mirroring,next........now here is the problem.


    -mirror server instance name-------ASMARINO ???

    -listener port-----------------------5023

    -end point name--------------------mirroring

    the error says that "The principal and mirror server instances cannot be the same instance of SQL Server. Select another instance as the mirror server instance."

    what this suppose to mean? the name "ASMARINO" is the name of my PC. do i need another server? and also for witness server?


  • Hi Mr Salah,

    ASMARINO is the name of the computer and the name of the default instance of the SQL Server.

    The witness, principal and mirror should be on different instances (If you want to use the same computer).

    It means you have to create 2 others named instances

    - another SQL Server instance may be called Witness

    - another SQL Server instance may be called Mirror.



  • Hi Mr Salah,

    I forget to tell you that your goal is to have High availability.

    It means to have the failover.

    If it's me for a production database, I will uses 3 differents computers, or at least 2, the principal alone and the witness and the mirror at the same computer.

    Think If you have disk crash or system failure.



  • Hi, Mr.Ahmed

    As i told you before the name "Asmarino" my first SQL server default instance. so, now it sounds like i have to install 2 different instance name for the mirror and witness server. if so, i have two disc partition, drive C and D. is it possible to install in two different drives?

    please Sir. give me instruction how to install i mean short installation in order to consume the disc capacity?



  • Hi massawa,

    Yes you have to install two other named instances.

    If you want, You can install all instances in the same drive.

    Let us install the witness and the mirror on the D drive.

    When selecting components:

    Choose only

    1- SQL Server Database services

    2- Workstation component,---

    Click advanced, so when choosing features (Feature selection dialog box):

    1- Under database services uncheck full-text-search

    2- Under Client components uncheck

    - Business intelligence studio

    - SQLXML client feature

    3- Under documentation uncheck

    - Samples database

    - sample code



  • thank you very much and God bless you.

    look sir, what about the disc capacity because i have the following disk capacity-

    drive C: free = 35.5GB used = 9.4GB

    drive D: free = 29GB used= 595MB

    so, what do you think if i install the mirror server in drive C, and the witness server in Drive D? or if i remove all information from drive D just to install the 2 instance in D drive?



  • Hi massawa,

    The only thing the Principal and the 2 others must be on differents drives.

    I assume the C drive contains the operating system.

    The SQL Server default instance ?



  • Hello, my friend how are you doing?

    i have tried to install the two instances in drive D. but you can't install due to the program files. if you decide to install SQL server it should be in program files. and also i have tried to install in drive C ( program files) but it can't accept more than one instances.

    right now i have got an idea, i propose that i have to format my computer and i will have total 80GB capacity space. and then divide this disk in to 3 partition ( C,D,and E ) then each partition will have 24GB. and then installing each drive win 2003 server sp1 and SQL server 2005 sp1. eventually am gonna have 3 servers.( c:principal, d:mirror and e: witness). i think it seems great. but the question is do you think that it will work? suppose, you log in principal server and want configure by Browsing the mirror server and the witness server, is that possible? i am just waiting your idea then if it works am ready to do it. because i don't have extra PC. this is a test before i proceed to the real server, i have make sure that the mirror will work correctly.




  • Hi,

    I am sorry you can install more than one instance in the same drive and in the same directory (for example program files). When installing the instance you choose a name for your instance.

    Check the following link may be it will help you[url= http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/sql-server-2005/installing-a-second-copy-of-sql-server-2005.html%5D http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/sql-server-2005/installing-a-second-copy-of-sql-server-2005.html%5B/url%5D

    If you need help I am online for the next hour.



  • oh! my friend am sorry i found it i did not make browse and when i connect to database engine, i found it because i installed it correctly. now i have to proceed to MIRRORING CONFIGURATION.


  • Hi, Ahmed

    i have tried to configure Mirroring, right click Accounting database, properties and click mirroring. then configure security and very think was fine until complete the wizard. when i click finish, on the configure endpoints screen " configure endpoints on mirror server and configure endpoints on witness server gives me error.

    i used end points for principal= 5022

    ......................... mirror=5023

    ............................witness=5024 i think this are the default numbers.



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