Reading SQL Logs

  • I often make my own version of things that already exists as a learning excercise and add to it all the time when I have time. By studying what existing applications do I should be able to make my own app 🙂

    I once made my own management studio type application because I didn't know how to make an addin for management studio and really wanted to have a certain bit of functionality. Of course this app wasn'y as great as management studio but it allowed me to do what I needed 😀

    I still need to sometime look into addins for managment studio, have some cool things that I want to make

    The Fastest Methods aren't always the Quickest Methods

  • The conversation bounced around a bit, but it sounds like you could use three things. First, and most importantly, a well documented development & deployment method that you can enforce in your environment. I'd suggest reading the chapters in SQL Server Team-based Development on deployments. It might help. Second, you need to identify differences between environments and between backups. I'd suggest getting a copy of Red Gate SQL Compare[/url]. We can compare between databases, backups and scripts. I'm actually working on an article on using SQL Compare to automate auditing a database to capture changes, put them into source control and email you a report. Finally, you wanted to integrate your source control with SSMS and Gail has already pointed you to SQL Source Control[/url].

    But, products aside, you need to focus first on process. Tools can only help you recover. Process will prevent the problem in the first place.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • BinaryDigit (8/18/2011)

    I often make my own version of things that already exists as a learning excercise and add to it all the time when I have time. By studying what existing applications do I should be able to make my own app 🙂

    Sure it's possible, but as I said, have a nice few months. It's not an easy thing to write (I know, I've tried). Compare that to SQLCompare that's $400.

    If you're doing it in your own time as a learning project that's one thing. If you're doing it for the company, it's a waste of time and money as such tools exist and aren't expensive.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for the comments, we have set a process in place already. Just occasionly and the amount of times that this happens has dropped a lot, people forgot something small which then makes the problem.

    Thanks also for pointing out the tools 🙂

    The Fastest Methods aren't always the Quickest Methods

  • i take it you have a full dev / uat / train or systest / production environment and that things need to go from dev to uat to systest to prod etc?

    if so have you not thought about giving the developers DDL_Admin / Reader / Writer access or just what they need to do their job, then create DDL triggers on all the other environments to prevent them from changing the schema / data in anyway shape or form that way when something moves from DEV to UAT or somewhere else a DBA or a user with SA access needs to do the changes which will point out any missing scripts at the UAT deployment than the production deployment so you know which scripts are needed.

    this is the process that I follow and it works a treat as before I started there where to many people with to much access across the board and things like this got missed

    obivously I am not saying that this replaces source control like TFS as this is how we package the scripts up for release but it gives you that blanket that you know what is needed for a good rollout

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