Guide To MCITP: SQL Server 2008 Administration

  • Mike,

    Thanks for this wonderful guide....


  • Thanks Shailendra,

    I'm glad you liked it.

    I'm studying for the BI exams at the moment, so hopefully I'll have a guide for those ready before Christmas.


  • Good reading. I just passed past monday the 70-432 exam, but yesterday failed on the 70-450...ouch! All your recommendations are right, I need to work harder on the high availability, NUMA, restore & backups and raid levels subjects, I was lost on these points on the exam.

    One question. I knew about SelfTest site from Microsoft. But I thought that the other sites you recomend where just "brain dumps" full of exam questions and that where "blacklisted" by Microsoft. So I understand they just provide, as SelfTest site, help on your studying sessions, right? Anyone can share his experience with any of these sites?

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