Geeky Oscars

  • I enjoyed many movies in 2012 , but the following 3 are really worth watching in sci fi genre


    The hunger games

    In time

  • No movies stand out for me this year, but for TV with a sci-fi component, I highly recommend the UK TV shows Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. Great stories and great acting. Hard to find in the US, but the DVD's are available from Amazon.

    On a side note, we dropped cable TV over a year ago, and replaced it with a Roku and subscriptions to Netflix and Hulu+. Highly recommended. We watch far less TV, and spend far less time mindlessly flipping through channels. We have a tuner for over the air HD for local channels, and the picture quality is far better than anything cable or satellite can deliver.

  • Ross McMicken (1/25/2013)

    No movies stand out for me this year, but for TV with a sci-fi component, I highly recommend the UK TV shows Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. Great stories and great acting. Hard to find in the US, but the DVD's are available from Amazon.

    On a side note, we dropped cable TV over a year ago, and replaced it with a Roku and subscriptions to Netflix and Hulu+. Highly recommended. We watch far less TV, and spend far less time mindlessly flipping through channels. We have a tuner for over the air HD for local channels, and the picture quality is far better than anything cable or satellite can deliver.

    It's the same for me, I dropped cable TV service a year ago and mounted a HD antenna in my attic. The only thing I watch over the air is news. I'll watch network TV shows on Hulu and pay to watch HBO/Showtime series on Amazon as soon as they're available, which is usually a year after first run.

    The ironic thing is that my old cable TV provider was wanting to charge extra for an extended basic plan that included PBS Kids and Qubo channel (what my kids watch). However, I get those channels totally free over the air in the area where I live. I don't see the point in paying for content that the cable provider doesn't even own or have exclusive rights to and can get for free over the air. One of my neighbors still have cable subscription service (like most folks). However, they agree the picture quality coming in over my HD antenna is actually better. It's because the over air signal isn't compressed like it is with cable.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • "Looper". It's time travel oriented but much more than that. It just came out on DVD I think.

  • Yes, Avengers was probably my favorite of last year. Hunger Games was very good as well. Looper surprised me - I very much enjoyed it, more than I thought I would. My husband really liked John Carter, I thought it was ok. Still have to see the Hobbit - we just finished rewatching LOTR (I know it's not necessary, but got us in the mood). Also want to see Lincoln, friends have told me it's fantastic - although not geeky?

  • Argo was one of the better "edge of your seat films" I have seen in a while. It wasn't a big box office draw but man was it a good film.:-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • We do not go to many movies and have yet to get to the Hobbit. Will see it before long and have been told that it is little like the original book. Was told there is a lot of war added that is not really important but just added filler. I guess when you balloon up a one part movie into three you have to add lots of new material. Will have to see.

    I have seen John Carter and enjoyed it, some said it was also not like the book. However I have not read the book so it was entertainment.

    I remember the original Red Dawn and also look forward to seeing the remake as well.


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Games of Thrones is definitely geeky cool - I especially love the opening credits and how they sometimes include new towns with all those miniature moving people and mechanisms.

    Thanks to the many people for mentioning The Avengers - that reminded me of the enormous airborne aircraft carrier thing.

    However, I think a couple of other movies deserve geek nods:

    1. Premium Rush - for the parts visualizing the characters' cycling decisions.

    2. Zero Dark Thirty - I realize this film has generated controversy for various reasons, but the culminating scene of the raid on Bin Laden's complex was truly technologically riveting.

    - webrunner

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • TravisDBA (1/25/2013)

    Argo was one of the better "edge of your seat films" I have seen in a while. It wasn't a big box office draw but man was it a good film.:-D

    Yes, totally agreed. And while not strictly geeky in the future tech sense, it really did recreate the visuals and atmosphere of the 1979 Iranian coverage, which I recall from when I was a kid.

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • call.copse (1/25/2013)

    Would folks regard The Hobbit as geeky? I kind of think I would, anyhow that's my choice. I didn't expect to love it from the reviews and the length the book was being stretched to, but I did.

    I would, or Fantasy maybe, but I never liked the Tolkein stuff. Just not my cup of tea.

  • Michael Lysons (1/25/2013)

    The Raid is superb if you like martial arts action films. A bit gory in places, but the hand-to-hand fighting scenes are excellent.

    Perhaps not geeky. Unless you're a martial arts geek.

    Is that this one: Reads 2011, but I missed it. I'll give it a go.

  • Awesomo (1/25/2013)

    Judge Dredd was my favourite movie of last year. Avengers was second, Batman third. All great films.

    Missed Dredd. My middle kid wanted to see it and we missed it.

    We all loved Avengers, though.

  • majorbloodnock (1/25/2013)

    I must admit I enjoyed The Avengers too, but preferred the third Men In Black. Not sure if it could be called sci-fi or not, but either way the Bourne Legacy was a bit of a disappointment for me.

    I heard MIB III wasn't great, but I'll stream it sometime.

    The "Legacy" was disappointing to me. Watched it on an airplane, and slightly distracted, but the film felt slightly schizophrenic, like it wasn't quite sure where it was going. Maybe the splicing of old and new scenes in there?

  • (1/25/2013)

    Definately Avengers, I'd also recommend Wreck It Ralph. Sure it's an animated movie, but there's enough shout-outs to classic '80s arcade fare to keep me amused trying to spot the characters.

    Need to finish this. We were 45 min and my little girl threw up. Had to leave and my son was disappointed.

  • Rod at work (1/25/2013)

    I saw John Carter (did that come out in 2012?). It was OK, but not great.

    I definitely think that Skyfall should have been nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Sorry to learn that it wasn't. It's the best Bond film I've ever seen, and it's thought provoking.

    I haven't loved Craig until this film, which reminded me of the "Dark Knight", a darker look at Bond instead of the witty/quippy one I'd grown up with (Connery/Moore).

    Not sure I'd think it was Best Picture worthy, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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