DBA without sa rights???

  • jim.powers - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 8:54 AM

    Hi Lowell,

    Thanks for checking back. I started with the Denver Dumb Friends League (ddfl.org) on January 23rd. This has been a great move. The people are wonderful to work with. I have a big mess to clean up from haphazard report writing along with a new data warehouse project. They have actually brought in a contractor to get the DW rolling for me. When he is finished in June with the smaller local scope that is immediately needed, I'll be able to take it and grow it to the ultimate goal of serving the entire community. I'm very excited about the possibilities here.

    Good for you. I guess your arch nemesis the network administrator will be standing closest to the database server when it crashes and all the finger pointing will be in his direction.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • I have to sit and muse as to why in the world this network admin has any permission whatsoever inside of the database. He is a network admin or is that Network D*** admin (NDA)? He is not a DBA and by virtue of role differentiation should have zero access to the databases. It is not his call to create or drop databases within the database instance. That said, if there is going to be some pissing and moaning over the creation of a database, then it is time to have a Change Control Process implemented.

    It also sounds like the manager needs a little education. Did the manager approve the removal of the DBA permissions? If not then the NDA / DCD should have his permissions revoked too.

    I would be tempted to tell him to get his knickers out of the wad but that may not be too amusing for the DCD.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • SQLRNNR - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:07 AM

    I have to sit and muse as to why in the world this network admin has any permission whatsoever inside of the database. He is a network admin or is that Network D*** admin (NDA)? He is not a DBA and by virtue of role differentiation should have zero access to the databases. It is not his call to create or drop databases within the database instance. That said, if there is going to be some pissing and moaning over the creation of a database, then it is time to have a Change Control Process implemented.

    It also sounds like the manager needs a little education. Did the manager approve the removal of the DBA permissions? If not then the NDA / DCD should have his permissions revoked too.

    I would be tempted to tell him to get his knickers out of the wad but that may not be too amusing for the DCD.

    Old topic, but to answer your question, if it's a smaller company you often end up with people wearing several different hats and having fingers in pies they normally wouldn't.  My previous job I was the Domain Admin, Network Admin, Server Admin, DHCP Admin, DNS Admin, DBA, phone system tech, desktop tech, printer tech, and over-the-phone customer support.

    My boss at that job had his fingers in every pie he could put them in, including some that quite frankly he didn't need to be poking into (I felt interfering in how the Admin Manager ran their dept was rather out of his wheelhouse as the "Director of IT") and could easily see him pulling a stunt like this.

  • escalate to your line manager and then to the other guys manager.
    I know it's frustrating and the insults are probably justified but remember that this is a public forum, anyone can read it.
    You don't want the world and his literal wife reading your troubles with your data centre colleague however much of a problem he may be


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • jasona.work - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:13 AM

    SQLRNNR - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:07 AM

    I have to sit and muse as to why in the world this network admin has any permission whatsoever inside of the database. He is a network admin or is that Network D*** admin (NDA)? He is not a DBA and by virtue of role differentiation should have zero access to the databases. It is not his call to create or drop databases within the database instance. That said, if there is going to be some pissing and moaning over the creation of a database, then it is time to have a Change Control Process implemented.

    It also sounds like the manager needs a little education. Did the manager approve the removal of the DBA permissions? If not then the NDA / DCD should have his permissions revoked too.

    I would be tempted to tell him to get his knickers out of the wad but that may not be too amusing for the DCD.

    Old topic, but to answer your question, if it's a smaller company you often end up with people wearing several different hats and having fingers in pies they normally wouldn't.  My previous job I was the Domain Admin, Network Admin, Server Admin, DHCP Admin, DNS Admin, DBA, phone system tech, desktop tech, printer tech, and over-the-phone customer support.

    My boss at that job had his fingers in every pie he could put them in, including some that quite frankly he didn't need to be poking into (I felt interfering in how the Admin Manager ran their dept was rather out of his wheelhouse as the "Director of IT") and could easily see him pulling a stunt like this.

    I have been in solo shops before. Mine was bad enough that I got to be the janitor too (mostly because the doctors couldn't be caught with a plunger).
    I get it with a one man shop.

    This situation for this DCD is not the case. There is a team and a DBA. The DCD needs to learn to grow up and play nice in the sandbox with others.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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