Connecting to a remote server

  • I am running SQL Server 2000 and I have just built a new DB server. When I try and connect to it by registering it through enterprise manager, I get the following error message:

    'A connection could not be established to ip address....

    Reason: SQL Server does not exist or access is denied. ConnectionOpen(Connect())..'

    The thing is that there is a SQL server running on the IP address and the username and password are correct !!

    Anyone know what it could be?

  • BTW, forgot to mention that I am trying to connect from a remote machine using TCP/IP

  • Starting with the basics and making sure the network guys didn't do something, are you able to ping the server from where you are trying to add it? If so, check on the server to make sure it's listening on port 1433 (at the server, drop to a command line and execute netstat -an).

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks for that, it is indeed listening on 1433 and I can ping it from my machine too.

    Really weird this is, I've connected to lots of SQL Servers before and never had this issue.

  • Is there a firewall or router between you and the box?

    Do wht Brian said:

    1. Ping ip address

    2. check your client config

    3. Check server network config

    4. Be sure SQL is running

    5. Post back here.

    Steve Jones

  • It sounds like you are connecting with a SQL Server login? Did you check if the SQL Server setup is for NT authentication only or both NT and SQL Server authentication?

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • there is a firewall, yes... but I have allowed traffic through port 1433 through it and I use it to remotely connect to another SQL server elsewhere.

    The one that I am having a problem with is a newly built instance and if I VNC into the machine, I can use enterprise manager from there (but thats not what I want to be doing all the time!).

    One other thing is that if I try and create a system DSN on my local machine that points to this new SQL server, that fails too.

    I just can't communicate with SQL server remotely and it certainly seems like traffic on port 1433 is blocked but I have checked and it all seems fine! aargghh..

    oh and yes, it is setup for NT login as well as SQL Server login Brian...

  • Hrm. That eliminates all the "slap yourself on the forehead" type of issues. You're able to connect to the other SQL Server properly right now?

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • A while back we ran into connectivity issues that sound similar to what you are experiencing.

    1. Have you installed more than once onto this server?

    2. Have you installed more than one instance?

    3. Have you checked the Server Network Utility on the server and confirmed that the installation didn't default to auto assign? (Check properties for TCP/IP)

    If you have a yes for item 1, then you might want to check the registry for a previous instance that held the port number assignment.

  • Yup...

    I also just tried the following:

    1)VNC'd into the problem SQL Server and succesfully registered another remote SQL server from there.

    2)Tried to register the problem SQL server from the other remote SQL Server and got the same error...

    This is stressing me out and I am sure that it will be something silly that I have overlooked.

  • 1. Have you installed more than once onto this server?

    Yes, but I totally rebuilt the machine from scratch afterwards.

    2. Have you installed more than one instance?

    No, I haven't..

    3. Have you checked the Server Network Utility on the server and confirmed that the installation didn't default to auto assign? (Check properties for TCP/IP)

    Checked and set at 1433

  • run netstat -a from the server through VNC. Verify you have a listener on 1433.

    hmmm, strange. Server set to SQL auth and you are using SQL auth. Not a pwd msg, so that's not it. Can you register this sql server from EM through VNC?

    Steve Jones

  • Ok, so how about versions. Have you installed sp1 and what version of mdac is currently on the server.

    We had issues with another service being installed, think it was IIS, not sure, and the mdac version got rolled back.

  • Check the Data Source Name (DSN). You may have multi-protocol selected and this can cause you problems. De-select multi-protocol and then try connecting. If this doesn't work, try deleting this alias and connecting prior to creating a new alias.


    Always Learn!

  • By the way, one at a time, check the Client Network Utility and Server Network Utility. This'll help you isolate which one may be causing the problems.


    Always Learn!

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