badly need help

  • SwayneBell (12/1/2010)

    InfiniteError (11/30/2010)

    hello again, i found out that it's better for me to create a 3rd party app to do all this things(modifying system table, view and modifying transaction log.) im planning to release it in public when all are clean.

    thanks to all

    Coming soon to a software store near you, "Database DeathStar" v. 1.0 - annihilates any database you point it at.

    I wouldn't count on seeing it anytime soon. If a person goes to a forum to ask about general, "how-to" approaches, I don't see them writing an app of this complexity.

    Infinite, you truly should follow the advice of the experts here and walk away from this situation.


    Great Post. Thanks for improving my day:-D

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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