• Hello, guys how are you doing?

    as we know in SQL server 2000, during installation you can select both the Mixed mode ( SQL server and Windows Authentication) by checking the Blank password you can disable the password. the most important thing is with security logins, you can log easily with out any problem.

    i have an application security software with username and password and i used to log my security in SQL server 2000 easily and if this application security is not running smoothly, all application software will never work. because they tied with this security.

    My question is even though i log my username and password, when i try to open my application, it gives me Error and says that


    " A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occured during the login process. ( provider: shared memory provider, error: 0- No process is on the other end of the pipe"

    please guys i need you help?

    thank you very much and god bless you

  • Salam,

    I am not sure your are talking about 2005 (see the subject post) or 2000 (see the body post).

    Check the following links http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=168796&SiteID=1





  • Hello, Ahmed how are you doing?

    yes, i am talking about the SQL server 2005 ( management studio). i can't log with security login and i tried so many times. i checked also may be the problem is with the installation. i have tried with two installation ( 1. windows authentication and 2. mixed mode ). even though i log with my user name and password, i could not open my application. as i posted earlier says "login problem".

    so, please Sir, i need your help?


  • Try to isolate the problem.

    Can you log into SQL Server using SSMS? Can people use other applications on this server?

    If you can log on to SQL Server outside of your application then you know that SQL Server is basically OK, and the problem is only with your application.

    Does your application connect to SQL Server using a service account. If so, have you tried logging on to SQL Server via SSMS interactively using the application service account, so that you get the same 'user experience' as your application has. Also check what is the default database for the application service account. Is the default database the right one and does the service account have the right access.

    Original author: https://github.com/SQL-FineBuild/Common/wiki/ 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • I would suggest that you first check both the SQL server Error log and the Server Event log this should give you starting point hopefully you have enabled logging for failed logins (at the very least, if not turn this feature on but be aware the you will have to restart the sql server instance for this feature to come into effect..be careful your other users may not be too happy if you bounce the instance during working hours just think mega whinging) I am assuming from you post(s) that you are using a sql server login as opposed to windows authentication .. in any case you should ensure that your login (and password) has been correctly registered within sql server and of course either been granted privileges on database objects or is a member of a role with the desired privileges check all of these then try again, you might also ensure that both named pipes and that allow remote logins are enabled


  • On the SQL Server, verify that you have remote connections enabled in Surface Area Configuration.

    In the Configuration Manager, verify that you have enabled the protocols you need.

    Some of this is off by default when you install SQL 2005.

    Greg E

  • thank you very much Sir.

    as you said exactly i found it and it's well done

    and now i have downloaded the SP1 for database mirroring and i want to proceed with database Mirroring but if you mind Sir, i need instruction how to Mirror my database and if possible with screen shot.

    i appreciate Sir.

    God Bless You

  • thanks Sir

    i started database mirroring, i backup my database with full recovery mode and also i run the full backup of my database as you gave me instruction. until this it's ok. but now i don't understand how to restore of the backup on the Mirror. and also says the database name on the mirror must be the exact same name as the principal?

    example:- i backup my dbase Accounting and the destination is the same as instruction

    BACKUP Accounting to Disk = C:\Backup\Accounting_FULL.BAK

    my question is how could i run a restore of this backup? where should i restore? and says the same name of my principal dbase so shall i create Another database, Accounting2 and to restore this?

    please Sir, i need your help?


  • Hi,

    I am not sure you could make mirroring between SQL Server 2005 (As principal) and SQL Server 2000 (As miror).

    restore database Accounting

    from disk='C:\Backup\Accounting_FULL.BAK'

    with NORECOVERY,

    Move 'Accounting_Data' to 'c:\Accounting.mdf',

    move 'Accounting_log' to 'c:\Accounting.ldf'

    Where 'Accounting_data' is the logical name of the data file

    'Accounting_log' is the logical name of the log file.

    (You can get logical names by running sp_helpdb 'Accounting')



  • Hello, Ahmed

    now i restored my Accounting Dbase with the the backup and i think it is loading ( Restoring) but i am trying to move the Accounting_mdf and ldf. and i can't says

    " can't move Accounting data, it is used by another person or program.

    i forgot one thing to be honest i am testing this in my stand alone machine and it's not in workstation. my local PC.



  • Hi Salah,

    The database restore (miror) must use the NO RECOVERY option, so the database stays in a loading state (principle of miroring no!).

    If you want to move the database so backup the log with recovery, then delete the miror database et and redo the restore.

    I think I m clear.



  • Hi, Ahmed

    i have restored my Accounting Dbase and i think it's loading just like ( Accounting ( Restoring) but i can't move the Accounting_MDF and LDF Says that " can't move Accounting data it is being used by another person or program"

    you know Ahmed, i am not programmer but am network administrator and i am testing this in my stand alone machine. and as i understood that this data base Mirroring will act as just like a backup dbase. and also standby Dbase i mean when the principal failover, the mirror becomes principal. i think it's interesting. but i don't know how could i handle this. any how i will try it.

    thank you very much am waisting your time and appreciate.

  • Hi, Ahmed

    how long shall i wait for the loading because since i restore the database Mirroring it has been 10 hours. do you think that it will stay for along period of time?


  • Please reread Ahmed's last post. In mirroring, the mirror should always be in a loading state.

    Mirroring is more a of 'high availability' feature than a backup strategy. The mirror is only there in case of failure, not to be used for other sql activity.

    Greg E

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