Technical Article

Monitor basic Database parameters like Recovery Model, Page Verify, Auto Close, Auto Shrink, DB Owner, Auto Create Statistics Enabled, DB Create Date etc with PowerShell command.


I have created this script for one of our client, the requirement was all the databases should be in full recovery model and should be monitored.

Also, I added other important parameters like AutoShrink, AutoClose etc.


#Change value of following variables as needed 
$ServerList = Get-Content "D:SCMSSQLServer.txt" 
$OutputFile = "D:SCMSSQLRecoverModel_MDA_$((Get-Date).ToString('ddMMyyyy_hhmm')).htm" 
$HTML = '<style type="text/css"> 
   table{font-family: Calibri,Candara,Segoe,Segoe UI,Optima,Arial,sans-serif;width:100%; border: black;  border-style: double;  border-width: 2px;}
   table td,table th{font-size:1em;border:1px solid #98bf21;padding:3px 7px 2px;} 
   table th{font-size:1.1em;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:4px;background-color:#81BEF7;color:#fff} 

################################################################################# Author: Sandeep Charaya : Date: 16.06.2020# Comment: Script to obtain the disk space on remote servers################################################################################

$HTML += "<HTML><BODY><Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% id=Header> 
    <TH align=center><B>Date</B></TH>
            <TH align=center><B>DatabaseName</B></TH> 
            <TH align=center><B>RecoveryModel</B></TH> 
            <TH align=center><B>PageVerify</B></TH> 
    <TH align=center><B>AutoClose</B></TH> 
    <TH align=center><B>AutoShrink</B></TH> 
    <TH align=center><B>DatabaseOwner</B></TH>
<TH align=center><B>AutoCreateStatisticsEnabled</B></TH>
    <TH align=center><B>DB CreateDate</B></TH>
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | out-null 
ForEach ($ServerName in $ServerList) 
    $HTML += "<TR bgColor='#81F7D8'><TD colspan=9 align=center><B>$ServerName</B></TD></TR>" 
    $SQLServer = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $ServerName  
    Foreach($Database in $SQLServer.Databases | where-object {$_.Name -ne "tempdb" -and $_.Name -ne "master" -and $_.Name -ne "ReportServerTempDB" -and $_.Name -ne "ReportServer$SGSI2W0256TempDB" -and $_.Name -ne "ReportServer$SGSI2W0256"}) 

IF ($SimpleRecoveryModel -eq 'simple')
$color1 = 'red'
ELSE {$color1 = 'Green'}
IF ($PageVerify -ne 'Checksum')
$color2 = 'red'
ELSE {$color2 = 'Green'}
IF ($AutoClose -eq 'True')
$color3 = 'red'
ELSE {$color3 = 'Green'}
IF ($Autoshrink -eq 'True')
$color4 = 'red'
ELSE {$color4 = 'Green'}
IF ($DBOwner -eq "" -Or $DBOwner -Like "*sadm*")
$color5 = 'yellow'
ELSE {$color5 = 'Green'}
IF ($AutoCreateStatisticsEnabled -eq 'True')
$color6 = 'green'
ELSE {$color6 = 'red'}

 IF ( $color1 -eq 'red' -or $color2 -eq 'red' -or $color3 -eq 'red' -or $color4 -eq 'red' -or $color5 -eq 'red' -or $color6 -eq 'red')
$HTML += "<TR> 
                    <TD BGCOLOR='$color1' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.RecoveryModel)</TD> 
    <TD BGCOLOR='$color2' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.pageverify)</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR='$color3' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.autoclose)</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR='$color4' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.autoshrink)</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR='$color5' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.owner)</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR='$color6' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.AutoCreateStatisticsEnabled)</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR='green' ALIGN=CENTER>$($Database.createdate)</TD>



$HTML += "</Table></BODY></HTML>" 
$HTML | Out-File $OutputFile


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